November Brunch Tablescape

Today I’m recycling a post from November 2016 with a few new mosaics. I hope you enjoy it!



A November Brunch with a dear friend means an autumn table and thankfulness.











I’m using my antique tea set with vintage china and carved olive wood candle holders from Jerusalem.








I layered vintage china – plate, salad plate, and saucer on a thrift store place mat.












The napkins were folded in half and then pleated multiple times going sideways accordion-style. Then the pleated napkin was folded in half and placed in glass with open side on top. You could place them in a napkin holder without the last fold and spread the pleats fan-like. They can be placed on the plate or by the silverware.







Have a blessed day!
















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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

25 thoughts to “November Brunch Tablescape”

  1. The last time you used this tea set in a tablescape I really loved it. It’s such a gorgeous set. Pairing it with the orangish plate and square salad plate really make for an attractive setting. I love the shapes, colors and patterns. The candlesticks are stunning, love their carved shape, they look lovely on the table.

  2. That tea set is gorgeous and is that Fiesta beneath? I love the orange with the tea set. And the napkin fold is really lovely. I always think I’m going to do that and never follow through. Maybe this year!

    1. I got the tea set in the 1970’s if you can believe that. Antique from Japan. No the orange plate is not fiesta. Hope you’re having a good day.

  3. Oh what a beautiful tea set. Everything is wonderful. My problem is I would be so worried to drop something. I’m a klutz near beautiful things. You have so many beautiful things Carol.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Don’t worry. If you came to visit we could both drink from plastic glasses. That’s what I do. I used to use pretty glass glasses and then I got arthritis. I drop everything so I quit using glass and now use a pretty blue plastic glass. The tea sert is kept on the top shelf in a kitchen cabinet. It is rare I even look up there. I’m a danger to it.

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