Red Hibiscus & White Periwinkle

Today I’m sharing a few flowers from my yard I put in my crystal bowl.  It had been a beautiful day with a low of 62 F and a high of 82 F. We had several weeks with higher than normal temperatures. I love the blue skies and low humidity in the winter here in central Florida. Our weather is semi-tropical. We usually have mild winter weather with fronts from the north periodically in December and January.  My two single red hibiscus were blooming big, beautiful flowers.  I picked 2 for a bowl with several little white periwinkle flowers.  I placed the red hibiscus and dropped periwinkle around the red flowers.



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White Periwinkle or Vinca, My Gift From God

Back in spring 2014 when I first began landscaping my yard (Spring in My Developing Front Garden), I planted  yellow wildflowers on the side garden next to the sidewalk. In the middle of the summer,  I saw a little white flower on a long stem peeking out in the large mass of yellow wild flowers. It looked like periwinkle (vinca) but it was white. I had seen lots of purple periwinkle and had planted some in the front yard. Read More