Maple Pecan Shortbread Squares

Today I’d like to share my first recipe of 2025. It’s an easy and quick treat for special occasions as well as everyday. Today’s recipe is a tasty shortbread with maple syrup, brown sugar, and pecan flavors. The shortbread is pressed into a parchment-lined 8″ x 8″ baking dish to bake. While the it’s baking, beat an egg in a mixing bowl along with 1/3 cup brown sugar, maple syrup, and pecans. Pour the pecan mixture over the hot crust, and return to the oven.

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30+Spring Recipes

Spring has always been my favorite time of year.  Nature seems to wake up after the winter sleep.  Green shoots push through the ground and the snow begins to melt.  I know we’re looking forward to spring,  and I’ve trying some new healthy recipes. What about you?  If eating healthier is on your to-do list this year, I’ve got some easy ways to incorporate healthy foods into your diet without sacrificing taste or spending hours in the kitchen.

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Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizzas To Celebrate

We’re starting a season of happy celebrations and fresh fruit. Next Sunday is Easter, then next month we celebrate Mothers, Memorial Day, and follow-up with the June holiday of Father’s Day and  last 4th of July. Oh the luscious food we’ll eat! I love serving fresh fruit during these warm months; I am always looking for simple treats to share with my friends.

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