Today I’m upcycleing a plastic container for an Easter/spring decoration.. I have saved a white Tide pod container for an easy makeover. In the fall you’ve probably seen the orange ones made into pumpkins. The white are popular for snowmen in winter crafting. Since it is white, it is perfect for a bunny head for spring.
Tag: spring decoration
Washcloth Baby Bunny in a Nest
Good Morning everyone. I am getting bored. How about you? I’ve read all sorts of things to keep busy. Had interesting questions run through my mind. Passover is coming right around Easter, and my Jewish friends will have very small Seders at home to celebrate. Just like Easter there will be no big celebrations or Seders at the Temple. My sister and I were talking on the phone Sunday night trying to list the 10 plagues of Egypt and couldn’t. Mostly I remembered frogs. I looked it up and one of the plagues was definitely frogs. My friend Barbara shared this frog in her yard yesterday on Facebook. She thought he looked funny. I thought he had good camouflage for her dry yard but looked too dry. We’re in the dry season here in central Florida and have not had rain in a few weeks. Anyway I was talking frog plagues on Sunday and see a frog photo Monday. For some reason, it made me laugh. I guess I’ve been inside too long! Read More