Spring Amaryllis Blooms

First I wanted to let everyone know I am at home recuperating from my surgery on Monday. It will be a slow recovery, but I’m happy to report my pain is less than before surgery. Thanks for your support.

Last week I shared my first amaryllis blooms of white flowers. This week photos of the continued white flowers with the addition of red amaryllis. Despite the worse drought in 10 years here in Florida, I still have amaryllis blooms to lift my heart.

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Last Day of April in The Garden

Plumeria is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees. The tropical species are indigenous to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and as far south as Brazil, but are grown as cosmopolitan ornamentals in warm regions. Common names for plants in the genus vary widely but Frangipani or variations on that theme are the most common.

Yesterday I went into the front yard checking my plants around 10 AM. The sky was blue with white clouds and the temperature was about 81 degrees F.

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My First Amaryllis Blooms of 2022

(Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida.)

Rosemary:  If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 or below, rosemary will only survive if you bring it indoors before the arrival of freezing temperatures. On the other hand, if your growing zone is at least zone 8, you can grow rosemary outdoors year round with protection during the chilly months.  I live in zone 9B, semi-tropical, here in central Florida. I can grow amaryllis outside while northern climates can grow traditional spring bulbs like daffidils and tulips. I cannot grow those.

Friday began at 2:00 AM as a thunderstorm raged over my house. By 2:30 AM we were under a tornado watch for 15 minutes. Then the lightening and thunder passed followed by quiet rain. I was wondering if my amaryllis buds that I shared on Thursday survived the wind and rain. Luckily they did. At 8 AM I saw a pink flower opening. By 4:30 PM, 2 flowers were open and 1 bud was starting to open. Photos were taken Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I cannot grow northern spring flowers like tulips as Florida is too warm. Amaryllis is a semi-tropical bulb that flowers in spring in warm climates. You see them in homes at Christmas and they are forced bulbs. I hope you enjoy my first amaryllis blooms this season. This pink and white plant is right by my expanding rosemary bush.

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Colorful Amaryllis Mosaics For Spring

(Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida.)

Rosemary:  If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 or below, rosemary will only survive if you bring it indoors before the arrival of freezing temperatures. On the other hand, if your growing zone is at least zone 8, you can grow rosemary outdoors year round with protection during the chilly months.  I live in zone 9B, semi-tropical, here in central Florida.

Most of the amaryllis in my neighborhood are gone already. Most plants bloom late February and March. My amaryllis don’t even have buds yet, but I expect flowers in April. My plants bloom late. Last year I had flowers from two amaryllis I planted the summer before as late as May. Spring flowers are my favorite, and I love big amaryllis flowers. Most of mine are red but I have one with a white center and red leaves, a pink one, and a white one. Today I combed the archive from the past 6 years to make colorful amaryllis mosaics for spring. I am so ready for mine to bloom again!

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Spring Arrives in Central Florida

Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida. Amaryllis flower in the late winter through early spring in central Florida.

For several weeks central Florida kept getting cold spells as storms crossed the country.  Not cold like up north but below our average for winter.  I wasn’t out seeing the neighborhood or noticing neighbor’s gardens.  This last weekend it warmed up and I’ve been riding and going out in the car a lot this last week.

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End of Amaryllis Season

(Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida.)

It seemed to me that the amaryllis this year were even more beautiful than usual if that’s possible.  Here are a few photos as a look back at the season.  My friend’s pink and whites bloomed early in March. She has a flower bed full of them which are gorgeous for 2 to 3 weeks a year. Then you have wilted leaves on the ground the rest of the year. As with most bulb plants, you need to leave the leaves for blooms next year.  Another friend had pinks blooming in pots. They’re so pretty!



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