Comfort Spring’s Most Popular Posts in 2024

Welcome 2025. Today we’re reviewing Comfort Spring’s most popular, viewed posts for 2024. I had 32 features last year. Most were recipes like Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice, Pumpkin Dip for Fall Holidays, Roasted Eggplant With Lemon Tahini Sauce, Caribbean Chicken Salad, Macerated Fruit with 2 features, and Grilled Pineapple Salsa. There was a few posts in home decor like Christmas Decorating with Dried Orange Slices with features at 3 parties. I love that Advent Acts of Kindness was featured. I spend a lot more time on some special posts, and I’m very happy when people like them. Many thanks to the link party hosts for their support.

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30+Spring Recipes

Spring has always been my favorite time of year.  Nature seems to wake up after the winter sleep.  Green shoots push through the ground and the snow begins to melt.  I know we’re looking forward to spring,  and I’ve trying some new healthy recipes. What about you?  If eating healthier is on your to-do list this year, I’ve got some easy ways to incorporate healthy foods into your diet without sacrificing taste or spending hours in the kitchen.

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Start Your Day With A Spinach Smoothie

I originally wrote this post in 2016 but have updated it with more info and photos.

Why eat spinach?

I love baby spinach. Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat.   It is a super food loaded with tons of nutrients in a low-calorie package. Dark leafy greens like spinach are important for skin and hair, bone health, and provide protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Just do a search for the word spinach and you will see pages of articles  on the health benefits of spinach. Just eating one serving of spinach a day can make your brain 11 years younger.  A diet rich in leafy green vegetables help prevent cognitive decline according to recent research.   It slows the aging process.

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Green Smoothie With Cucumber, Celery & Pear

If you have trouble eating enough vegetables, try making a green smoothie filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Today’s smoothie has 6 ingredients: nutrient dense greens, lemon juice, freshly grated ginger, pear, celery, and cucumber plus ice water or ice cubes. The vegetables provide chlorophyll and alkaline rich foods which increase red blood cell count, improve circulation, calm inflammation and oxygenate the body.

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Mango Bliss Frozen Smoothie

The August heat is here, and I need a cold breakfast drink. If you like mangos like I do, you must try this luscious and creamy smoothie. It is both refreshing and filling. You can use fresh or frozen mango chunks. If you start with fresh mango, cut in chunks and place on a parchment covered cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes along with a sliced banana. Use immediately or store in a freezer container.  The frozen banana and mango adds a creamy smoothness reminiscent of ice cream. Yum!

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Delicious Smoothie With Pineapple & Blueberries

Breakfast is a time we need to give our bodies fuel for the day after the night’s fast.  It’s also a busy time in most households.  Today’s recipe is a quick smoothie filled with delicious goodness. Frozen pineapple and blueberries with milk, chia seeds, and a little ginger blend together to create a heavenly taste to wake you up. If you need more protein, add a scoop of protein powder. Make it your own!

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