Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is available year round. It’s a wonderful, hearty vegetable that can be used in amazing ways. One cup of cubed eggplant contains 20 calories, 3 grams of fiber, and 5 percent of your daily doses of both potassium and folate. It’s rich in flavonoids like chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid which may help fight cancer and protect cells from damage.
Today’s recipe is another veggie dish classic, Roasted Eggplant with Lemon Tahini Sauce. Choose medium or small eggplants that are shiny, smooth, firm, and heavy for their size. You can slice the eggplant in small circles or do long oval slices. It makes a great appetizer or side dish. For a main entree, add nuts such as pistachio nuts.
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