6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Your Cancer

Almost half of all men and a third of all women in the United States will receive a cancer diagnosis at some time in their lives.  In my family, my father, his mother, his older sister, my sister, and myself have all faced some variation of this dreaded disease.  When you first hear the word cancer, it can be overwhelming.  I was really scared. Managing a cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering experience. You may have to process tons of information from various healthcare professionals.  What do you need to know to handle the disease?  You’ll be meeting with your doctor to discuss your diagnosis. Bring a close relative or friend with you to the meeting for support.  Your stress may prevent you from retaining all the information he shares, and if you have someone you trust with you, they can help you process the information.  I personally would take a few notes. Let’s review the important key questions to ask your doctor.  Read More