Most days in Florida are sunny days with blue skies with highs from 78 to 90 degrees F depending on the month. We were warned last weekend that a cold front was coming down to Florida on Wednesday. It’s here and for me it’s cold. It’s 51 degrees F. The high is expected to be 69 degrees. Those of you who live up north can laugh and enjoy that comment. I laughed when I first moved to Miami in my 20’s decades ago when the highs would dip. Everyone around me was cold and I’d say this isn’t cold. Three years later I had adapted to hot and often humid weather and I was cold when the temperatures lowered. For the next few days the highs slowly go up each day until we’ll be in the 80’s Saturday. The problem with lower temperatures is how most homes are constructed in Florida. I’ve mentioned before that most homes are CBS – concrete block structures built on a pad of concrete as a foundation. Theoretically concrete never really hardens. I just know that when the temperature goes down there is a cold damp feeling in the house even the temperature in the house is only a few degrees lower. This can make my arthritis ache. Turning on the heat for 5 minutes helps burn it off.
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