9 Ways To Bring Light Into The Home

For many people winter skies are dim and even sometimes grey. The lack of light when I lived further north is really one of the reasons I moved to Florida decades ago. Winters with cold nights and long evenings and little light make me sad as it does many other people. (See Seasonal Affective Disorder for more information on dealing with SAD.)

It’s time now in the dark of winter to consider how to bring more light in your home. Nothing compares to the warm feeling of sunshine across your face especially during a cold, dreary winter. Natural light is important for so much more than aesthetics. Natural light helps to regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycle. Your sleep cycle is regulated by circadian rhythms, where you begin to wake and rise when you are exposed to natural light (sunrise) and where you begin to wind down when natural light reduces (night). According to The National Library of Medicine‘s post, Benefits of Sunlight, the World Health Organization reports very low levels of UVR exposure is related to major disorders of the musculoskeletal system and possibly an increased risk of various autoimmune diseases and life-threatening cancers. It is advised to get at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight daily.  Sunlight also has a huge impact on depression, seasonal affective disorder and sleep quality and can help you lose weight. 

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How To Make A Stylish Home Entry

Last week we discussed how to create an entryway when your front door opens directly into the living room.  This was really a fun project for me since I literally do not have an entry.  During my exploration of the subject of stylish entryways, I saw many larger beautiful spaces that I want to share.  Today let’s visit stylish larger entry halls and foyers for more design inspiration.

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Create An Inviting & Welcoming Home

Your home is your refuge. It is the environment that allows you to “relax, regroup, and reinforce the best of who you are.”  Today let’s  discuss tricks to create an inviting, cozy, super welcoming home for your family and your guests.  How to create a space that no one wants to leave?  Let’s begin with a few ideas from old posts and around the internet. 

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Easter Bunny Printable

March is such a busy month with St. Patrick’s Day, the first day of spring, and Lent as we prepare for Easter.  April 12th is Easter day in a little over a month.  I am all about spring colors right now.  When I was exploring graphics, I found a very cute bunny with flowers on his head.  I modified and formatted him in 2 sizes. He’s adorable, and I hope you like him. First print is sized 12″ x 12″.


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7 Tips to Style a Picture Ledge

If you’ve visited with me before, you’re probably aware of my love of wall art. I have several frames that I use for seasonal art throughout the year. I’ve shared my single large painting in the living room and also a small collections of art on a gallery wall before.  Today I’m sharing my research into using a picture ledge in my home to create visual interest. Making a gallery wall  is a great way to display art.  Arranging prints on a wall isn’t always easy, but putting up a ledge and playing with the arrangement of frames is. Besides no more holes in the wall, I can add and subtract as needed!

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Happy Easter Tablescape

I’ve been enjoying my new wall art, Happy Easter, one of my printables.  It’s so bright and cheerful.  I put it in a vintage frame and placed it in the dining area. It reminded me of the spring paper plates from Dollar Tree, and I added one plate to each side of the print.  I cut out a few butterflies and the center of the place design for the top of the frame.



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DIY Lace Teddy Bear Runner From Place Mats

Once a year a large community of townhouses owned by seniors holds a thrift sale in their activities center to raise money for activities. The huge room is filled with tables of items, items on the walls, furniture, etc. on the floors. It even spills out the door and on the lawn.  It’s a very popular event and crowds show up including dealers.  For one Friday in February my friend and I set aside time at 8 am to be there when the doors open.  We go back Saturday morning to browse the leftovers now at half off.  This year we got a great haul of goodies for low prices.



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