Tag: inspiring quotes

Small Things Become Great Inspirational Printable
Today’s inspirational quote is from Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910 to 1997). During her lifetime Mother Teresa became famous as the Catholic nun who dedicated her life to caring for the destitute and dying in the slums of Calcutta – now known as Kolkata. She set up soup kitchens, a leper colony, orphanages, and a home for the dying destitute. She treated the lepers, educated the poorest of the poor, and fed the homeless. She treated them like her family.
Her message to me was that you don’t have to do big or great things to help.
Small things become great when done with love.
I love to surround myself with words and images that embrace positive attitudes and foster peace, love, and kindness. Today’s printable is sized 12″ x 12″.

Give Thanks
We’re in the holiday season, and for the next few months, our lives are packed with activities. Today I’m asking you to stop and take a minute to be grateful. It’s good for your brain, body, health, and for everyone around you. Studies show that practicing gratitude releases positive neurochemicals, like dopamine, and engages the reward system in the brain. Your attitude of gratitude builds long-lasting reward circuits that are coupled with positive behavior and thought patterns developed through meaning and intention. The simple act of gratitude strengthens positive brain circuits allowing for greater brain power and prosperity.

Let The Peace of Christ Printable
We are in the midst of Lent. Lent is a six-week celebration that helps believers prepare for Easter through penance and fasting. This year, it began on Wednesday, February 17, and ends on Thursday, April 1, 2021. The dates vary as does the date for Easter. In the Lenten spirit I have made a series of 3 printables based on scripture to keep us focused on what’s important. Today’s printable is the third in the series. It is from Colosians 3:15 and is sized 12″ x 10″.

We Love Because He First Loved Us Printable
We are in the midst of Lent. Lent is a six-week celebration that helps believers prepare for Easter through penance and fasting. This year, it began on Wednesday, February 17, and ends on Thursday, April 1, 2021. The dates vary as does the date for Easter. In the Lenten spirit I have made a series of 3 printables based on scripture to keep us focused on what’s important. Today’s printable is the second in the series. It is from I John 4:19 and is sized 10″ x 12″.

In Peace I Will Lie Down Printable
We are in the midst of Lent. Lent is a six-week celebration that helps believers prepare for Easter through penance and fasting. This year, it began on Wednesday, February 17, and ends on Thursday, April 1, 2021. The dates vary as does the date for Easter. In the Lenten spirit I have made a series of 3 printables based on scripture to keep us focused on what’s important. Today’s printable is from Psalm 4:9 is sized 10″ x 8″.

Kindness Is Like Snow Inspirational Printable
As I explained last week, I like to do inspirational prints. I find it helps me stay focused on what is important in life when things get crazy. The last few weeks for me have seemed crazy with the irrational way people have been acting. I try to stay positive and centered and I wish the same for you. Today’s quote on one of my favorite topics, Kindness, is from Kahil Gibran, a Lebanese-American writer, artist and I believe philosopher although he rejected that title. His book, The Prophet, was first published in the United States in 1923 and has since become one of the best-selling books of all time, having been translated into more than 100 languages.

A Special Heart That Listens
I don’t write about politics here on my blog. Yes, there are times I am venting to my sister or friend, but I don’t like me when I do that. I don’t like who I become when I’m angry. The craziness of the last year has brought out so much anger and irrational behavior everywhere. I firmly believe our country is special in many ways, but sometimes Americans are just not nice. You know what I mean. I believe that we have the right to disagree. I must admit sometimes I think my head will explode when I read folks’ nasty rants on Facebook, twitter, or anywhere. I avoid those. I will drop someone on Twitter for several reasons – you stop following me, you post about explicit sex, or you rant nasty things about people you don’t like. Nope, I don’t want to read it. Yes you have the right to disagree and I have the right to not want to hear it.