Beautiful Summer Foxes Art Print

I love nature as you probably know from my love of flowers.  I find most animals appealing, especially babies.  I happened to find art work by an artist in Slovakia who goes by the on-line name, Marty-arts. She shares some of her art online, and I do love her animals.  Today’s print is based on her art with modifications. (Her art is shared on a site with free downloads with a public do-as-you-please license. )


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My Favorite Things – Original Art by Peter Cocuzza Over My Coastal Futon

My home is my haven and reflects who I am. Home decor to me is not just what is fashionable or in style; I love to surround myself with things that speak of home, family, and faith. My style is eclectic as I find beauty in many styles. I love vintage and browse thrift store, flea markets and yard sales looking for treasures. I have several side tables that originally belonged to my maternal grandmother. I have quilts made for me by sister-in-law, paintings and drawings by my father, and a painting by a close friend in Ft. Lauderdale.

Drawing by my father
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