Tips for Digestive Health

Did you know that gut health is connected to the health of the rest of your body? Your gut is filled with trillions of bacteria that play positive roles, such as aiding digestion and protecting against infection. Maintaining digestive wellness is important for our overall well-being. Unfortunately, 60–70 million Americans suffer from digestive diseases, such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease, according to the National Institutes of Health.*

Today let’s discuss ways to encourage digestive health. Choosing how you eat is uniquely personal. It’s about your needs, your preferences, and your goals. As a wellness supporter, I’m in your corner with fresh ideas, recipes, and wellness encouragement. Hopefully, today’s discussion will make it easier to shift toward wiser food choices. It’s all about you, at your very best.

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How to Have More Energy Naturally

Many of us feel sluggish or sleepy in the afternoon. You have several hours of work to complete and you go to the vending machine for a snack and get your latest cup of coffee. We’re hoping the sugar and caffeine will give us more energy and make us more alert. Often a hard day at work leaves many of us weary and tired. If you feel you need more energy in your life, you’re not alone. I’ve been reviewing the information available, looking for natural ways to add energy.

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How To Beat Cold and Flu Season

Winter is here and sometimes the weather is crazy.  I hope everyone is staying inside safe and warm.  A friend is down with the flu and feeling low. This time of year it’s hard to avoid illness with the weather and flu season.  Today I’m looking back at my past suggestions for dealing with the threat of colds and flu and hopefully presenting some new ideas for staying healthy.



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3 Tips To Deal With Inflammation

Diet and lifestyle changes can help prevent chronic inflammation

Today I’m sharing 3 tips to prevent and deal with inflammation.  Inflammation is a necessary part of the body’s immune response, but too much inflammation can lead to disease. Chronic inflammation may contribute to diabetes, obesity, celiac disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, or bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.  Most of our common ailments are caused by our bodies’ inflammatory response.  


A. Diet Rich in Plant Foods


Several years ago I began having problems with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. After reading articles and books on various approaches to a healthy diet, my diet began to evolve. Originally, it was suggested that I try a Paleo diet, but I had been on a high protein diet much of my adult life, and I wanted to see how changing that would affect me.  I searched for more information – online and in the library.  I read a book by Dr. Weil and read about an anti-inflammatory diet on his website.  I started following Forks Over Knives on Facebook and explored their website. has over 400 tasty recipes, expert tips, and tools to help you transition to the life-saving, whole-foods, plant-based diet.

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Start Your Day With A Spinach Smoothie

I originally wrote this post in 2016 but have updated it with more info and photos.

Why eat spinach?

I love baby spinach. Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat.   It is a super food loaded with tons of nutrients in a low-calorie package. Dark leafy greens like spinach are important for skin and hair, bone health, and provide protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Just do a search for the word spinach and you will see pages of articles  on the health benefits of spinach. Just eating one serving of spinach a day can make your brain 11 years younger.  A diet rich in leafy green vegetables help prevent cognitive decline according to recent research.   It slows the aging process.

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Book Review: Winter Blues: Everything You Need To Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder

I first read Winter Blues by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal back in the 1980’s when the first edition was printed. It quickly became a bestseller as people were hungry for information about this newly discovered diagnosis, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Some of us have trouble in the fall as the days shorten and the days become grayer. My mother used to phone me periodically with “the blues”. She’d say, “I don’t know why I’m so blue. There’s no reason.” We’d talk for a while but I felt helpless to help her.

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Healthy Living: Lemon Honey Ginger Morning Drink To Support The Immune System

There are many internet posts about a tea from lemon, honey, and ginger to fight colds and flues. Most recipes start with fresh ginger (root) which is sliced, boiled and steeped to make tea. The tea is strained and added to lemon juice and honey. My morning drink has developed over many years. One winter I was very sick with the latest version of the flu. I had bronchitis and could barely talk. Two friends arrived in the evening with a fresh lemon, a jar of honey and a bottle of booze. They made a hot whiskey tonic. It was so soothing on my inflamed throat, my coughing decreased, and I went to sleep easily. For the next several days I made myself a lemon honey tonic without the booze. Read More

DIY, All Natural Chocolate Face Mask

Don’t you love the smell of chocolate? I do and found this scrumptious face mask recipe about seven years ago on Spa Index. Unfortunately, my oily skin couldn’t handle this rich face mask, but I have given the recipe to friends, and they love it. This decadent mask is actually an excellent moisturizer; it leaves your skin baby soft. A natural, DIY mask that is easy to make and use without chemicals. It’s so safe you can actually eat it!

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