How to Create A Wow Backyard

Looking for ways to improve your backyard? You’ve got a world of possibility at your fingertips. Backyards can come in all sorts of shapes, styles and designs, and the best options for you will depend entirely on your individual preferences and interests. Do you have that one section of your yard… you know, the one that the sprinklers never seem to reach, that might be mostly out of sight, but because it’s not used, it has this neglected, bare look? Or even worse, it tends to gather clutter? Well, have you ever thought that patch could be turned into an amazing feature in your yard?

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Farmington Neighbor’s Garden

Today I’m re-cycling a post from 2016. I had visited my sister as I often do in August. This particular garden was just too lovely not to share again. I’ve made a new collage I hope you like.



I’ve been enjoying my stay with my family here in Michigan. Florida is so hot and humid during the summer; coming north in late August provides a needed break.  I love the town of Farmington with its small town feel in the midst of a large metropolitan area.  Driving around is always so pleasant with a background  of older homes, a historical district, and larger more modern homes. Everything is so lush and green.



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Last Amaryllis & A Bunny

Last week I shared what I thought was my last amaryllis.  It was my last solid deep red amaryllis. Then I got a surprise from a little amaryllis I got as a forced bulb 3 years ago at Christmas and then planted in the yard. Last year no flower. I thought it was dying. It was a little green plant with a couple of small leaves. Then I noticed 2 small buds forming in almost the middle of May.  I’ve explained before that most folks in my neighborhood have flowering amaryllis in February, March, and maybe April. My solid deep red amaryllis bloom late in April.  Now this little red amaryllis with a solid white center has 2 flowers.  I moved my little bunny over to pose him smelling a flower. (No there isn’t a great fragrance.)



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