Many decades ago I became friends with a co-worker, Gloria. I’ve seen her apartment in the early 1980’s. her first small home in North Miami, Florida, the larger home she and her husband bought, their move with their 2 sons to a great home with a pool, and now she is in her retirement home in Gainesville, Florida. In all of this time, Gloria was not a gardener; she always said she had a brown thumb. Yes, she tried houseplants and planting outside but then she gave up. She never bought plants again. Then she received a present from her husband, an electronic hydroponic, dirt-free indoor garden for Christmas in 2018. It’s called the AeroGarden by Miracle Grow. (This is not a sponsored post; I’m just sharing my friend’s experiences.) Read More
Tag: fresh herbs

Heirloom Tomato & Flatbread
There is a bounty of luscious tomatoes at the farmer’s market, Tasty Tuesday. I have had so much fun eating all the juicy varieties available. Today let’s talk Heirloom Tomatoes & Flatbread with cheese and herbs.