Overnight a front moved in with a slight drop in temperature and moisture filled clouds. I woke up to a very cloudy sky. I watched the rain come. It rained off and on for about an hour.
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A Day of Puffy Clouds
I’d like to thank all my readers who sent messages of concern last week when the hurricane blew by Florida. I sincerely appreciate your support. As expected here in central Florida away from the coast, we had a tropical storm warning (not a hurricane warning), rain, and wind. Yes, other areas were not so lucky. Tampa had extensive flooding and property destruction.
The next day was a regular sunny day with blue skies and puffy white clouds. I hope you enjoy the beautiful day I’m sharing. I wish you all beautiful days where you live.
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A Cold Day in Lakeland, Florida
We’ve had some cold days here in central Florida as northern weather systems come south. Yes, I know by northern standards, it’s not really cold. To residents of Florida who have adapted to lots of heat, it is cold. Luckily most days we still have deep blue skies and white clouds. Right now I am recovering from an extremely hard day yesterday moving. It was filled with errors from morning ’til night. I’m in my fluffy robe, in a recliner at an Air B & B in Lakeland. I’m not really closed on either property (house nor condo) even though it seemed I signed a thousand documents yesterday. There is a form for final lender approval on buyer of my house that has not been received. Last night I heard it is hoped to be finalized by 2 this afternoon. That was the first error. I won’t go into my tale of woe any further. A truck filled to the brim with my belongings sits ready to come to Lakeland and I am paying for daily rental. My painter who was supposed to start on the condo yesterday afternoon went to his next job and will work on my unit part-time. The cleaner and handy man are waiting for word they will help tomorrow. And I sit.
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A Perfect Day
This time of year here in Central Florida it is already unbearably hot and humid with a heat index in the 100’s (F). Sometimes a front moves in from the north with dryer and cooler air. Then you have a perfect day. Read More

Making A Snowman in Florida
On Sunday November 17th Tampa Bay had the lowest high temperature for that date in recorded history. The high was only 53 degrees F. Now I know what you’re thinking; it sounds like a great temperature to those of you up north. It was over 20 degrees cooler than our average for this time of year. November is usually warm to hot. On the Friday before, a cold front moved into the area from up north where many folks got snow. The skies looked like snow but we got 3 to 4 days of cold rain with grey skies. Then our usual blue skies returned with mild temperatures and lows in the 40’s and 50’s. Love this kind of weather.
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