Florida Days

Today I’m sharing photos taken on 3 separate days here in central Florida. The first is the foggy gray morning that can happen in winter. Warm moist winds off the Gulf blow in on cooler moist ground and fog appears. I no longer worry about driving in it since I’m retired. I’ve always enjoyed watching fog and think of Carl Sandberg’s poem. It’s one of my favorites.

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January Morning Skies

For the last month as snow storms hit other areas of the country, Florida has gotten multiple cold fronts coming in from the north. You wake up to gray skies, thin gray clouds, and little sun. It looks like snow clouds to me but we’re too far south. Often the cold fronts bring us cold to the bone rain. (I know it’s not cold to northerners but it’s cold to Floridians.) So I am always happy when the gray is blown away and blue skies return with thin wispy white clouds.

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Egret in the Garden

Sometimes we only have moments to try to capture special views of nature. First I’d like to share the instance of an egret in my friend’s garden. Egrets in Florida usually come in pairs or groups and forage the yard for food. At a slight movement by a human, away they fly. This time the bird just watched and didn’t leave. Time to attempt to capture a photo or two.

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