This last year has been a stressful one with my physical problems due to neck, surgery, and trying to cope with the sharp rise in expenses in the last few years. After much deliberation, I’ve decided to sell my home and buy a condo. I’m really tired of dealing with maintenance issues for the house. For example, I’ve gone through 3 lawn guys in 4 years. Here in Florida, lawn work is year round. Consequently, I have worked on my home for the last few months in preparation of listing it for sale. Last week a professional photographer and my real estate agent came to take photographs for the listing. Today’s photos are from that visit and are courtesy of the Dorwin Team, Peter & Allison Dorwin.
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A Small Cottage For Sale In The Neighborhood
Do you ever drive around your neighborhood and look at houses? Sometimes I do as I like to see how other people landscape their gardens. When it’s a beautiful day and I don’t want to stay inside, then seeing the blue skies and green grass makes me happy. This small home a few blocks from me has a similar layout as mine. I do love the garden and small cottage look. Read More