How to Deal With Fear of Missing Out on Food

Diets usually include food restriction which can trigger food FOMO (fear of missing out on food). This can make you more likely to crave whatever food you’re restricting. It becomes a vicious cycle of binging and restricting. This is evident in the research, with studies showing that having an “all-or-none” approach to eating and inflexible diet rules leads to increased binge eating.

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5 Foods to Boost Energy

The time I usually have an energy drop in in late afternoon. I remember buying junk food from a machine too many times when I was working. Unfortunately the pick-me-up is short-lived as it often is followed by a sugar crash. Choosing healthy, energizing foods such as lean sources of protein, high fiber, whole grain or complex carbohydrates, and natural sugars are more effective at putting the pep back in your slow step.

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