Sweet Autumn Forest New Printable

As the seasons change and the leaves start to turn, it’s time for sweet autumn dreams.  Splashes of color on the hills and frost on the lawn mean the earth is giving us one last burst of color before the cold darkness of winter. Take a ride in the country and glimpse the wonder of God’s work. The woods are filled with colors, and the animals prepare for winter. A time for Sweet Autumn Forest (16″ x 20″). You know I think this is my favorite graphic that I’ve made. I hope you like it.

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Dogwood Egg Carton Flowers

I’ve pinned pretty egg carton flower crafts for a few years.  This year I’m trying to make more of my inspiring pins.  First I thought I would use paper egg cartons which seems to be the favorite among crafters.  You can paint them any color.  Then I saw a neighbor throwing away colored styrofoam egg cartons in white, pink, and yellow.  (Our county does not accept styrofoam in recyclables.)  Hmm, okay I decided to rescue the styrofoam and give it a try.



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A Red Begonia & A Gnome

With 1,831 species, Begonia is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. The species are terrestrial (sometimes epiphytic) herbs or undershrubs, and occur in subtropical and tropical moist climates, in South and Central America, Africa, and southern Asia.  Begonia x hiemalis is a tuberous type, sometimes called Rieger or winter-flowering begonia. As a houseplant, they prefer a bright area, which is necessary for continued flowering. Keep them near a sunny window, but avoid direct sunlight.  Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 to 11, Rieger begonias are usually grown as houseplants. Many people buy them in the fall to have flowers in the home all winter.



A friend who spends half a year in Florida and half in New York decided to fly back to Florida despite the pandemic. She self-quarantined for 2 weeks. I was so happy to get her phone call; I’d really missed her.  We talked occasionally on the phone during the last 8 months but it’s not the same. We decided to get together keeping masks on and distancing. I had more fun in those 2 hours than I can ever tell you.  She surprised me with a pot of red begonias.  She knows I love flowers and said ‘I know you’ll take photos on put it on your blog.’  That is just what I am doing.  I put the pot of begonias on my wooden slab on the dining table.  It’s next to sliding glass doors and get lots of light. I added my little red gnome beside it. Read More

Scandinavian Folk Art Christmas Prints

I’m thinking ahead to the Christmas holidays, and today I’m sharing Swedish inspired Folk Art Printables.  If you like folk art graphics, I have 4 to share. They’re perfect for farmhouse, country, and rustic decor but would work well in many other styles. What I love about them is how the wildlife prints really are appropriate throughout the winter.  Isn’t it a nice idea to not have to take down every decoration in January?

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Frangipani Bouquet in June

The white frangipani (Plumeria alba) is a deciduous plumeria tree that is native to tropical areas 


Life continues to be complicated here in Florida. Yesterday The Tampa Bay Times reported:

For the third consecutive day, Florida hit the highest number of single-day coronavirus cases recorded, adding 2,581 over 24 hours.


Most of the cases are down in South Florida in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, but you can’t assume you’re safe here in Tampa Bay.  I’ve ventured out a few times in the last week wearing my mask, but I think I need to retreat and stay put as the 2nd phase of the virus shoots the numbers ever higher. So let’s stop and look at a happy thing.

For me, simple things can bring me great pleasure.  For instance, a few flowers from the yard arranged in a thrift store bowl can make a bright spot in the home.   I love my blooms of white and yellow frangipani (plumeria).  Today’s small bouquet is several frangipani flowers and several hibiscus green leaves from the yard.  I used a vintage napkin as a table scarf. I filled a vintage bowl with rocks and water to hold the tiny arrangement
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