DIY Coastal Art With Aged Frame

Let your inner artist shine and build your own collection of images that speak to you.  


I’m adding more coastal touches to my home – some are small changes while this art print is a huge change for me.  Living in Florida, I’ve had shells on display for over 30 years. I have on display several small Florida art pieces.  Today I am creating my own art based on a classic illustration from John Gould’s 7 volumes of “Birds of Australia” (1848). This book is filled with illustrations of Australia’s birds by John Gould and several of his artists.

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Nautical Blue Coastal Tablescape

When I was a teenager, I fell in love with spring outfits with nautical colors like navy blue with white, red or even spring green accents.  I was 19 when I bought my first navy and white set of jacket, skirt and pants. I’ve never lost my love of nautical blue motifs even though my retirement wardrobe includes no nautical suits. Today’s post is a nautical coastal table with blues, whites, pops of red,  and rustic touches of jute.

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My Favorite Things – Original Art by Peter Cocuzza Over My Coastal Futon

My home is my haven and reflects who I am. Home decor to me is not just what is fashionable or in style; I love to surround myself with things that speak of home, family, and faith. My style is eclectic as I find beauty in many styles. I love vintage and browse thrift store, flea markets and yard sales looking for treasures. I have several side tables that originally belonged to my maternal grandmother. I have quilts made for me by sister-in-law, paintings and drawings by my father, and a painting by a close friend in Ft. Lauderdale.

Drawing by my father
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