The Nativity Vignette

For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. —Isaiah 9:6-7

Christmas, the day we remember the birth of Jesus, is almost here. A baby placed in a feeder holding food for animals because his parents did not have money. Now the word Nativity brings to mind pretty sets of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus with animals. You had to be poor to sleep in the structure with the animals. Today I’m sharing a beautiful vintage nativity I discovered at a thrift store.

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Adding Winter Wonderland With Vignettes

No matter the size of your home, a lot of Christmas decorating can be achieved with vignettes.  I’ve lived in small apartments and condos  as well as a larger home. Whether you have room for a big Christmas tree or just a small table top tree, much of your decorations can be achieved with small arrangements on tables, bookcases, and shelves. I love using small scenes to fill a room. This holiday season my living room is a blue and silver Winter Wonderland.

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Adding Christmas

This last weekend I was working on my home rearranging art and adding Christmas decorations.  My favorite way to decorate for Christmas is with vignettes added to a room.  Let’s start with the dining room.  Last week I decorated the dining table with a poinsettia topper and my decorated Advent candleholder.  Today I’m sharing the updated picture ledge behind the table.

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