The time I usually have an energy drop in in late afternoon. I remember buying junk food from a machine too many times when I was working. Unfortunately the pick-me-up is short-lived as it often is followed by a sugar crash. Choosing healthy, energizing foods such as lean sources of protein, high fiber, whole grain or complex carbohydrates, and natural sugars are more effective at putting the pep back in your slow step.
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Florida French Toast
Many of us love French toast which is browned and crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. It is not dry and it is not soggy. It has a rich, custard flavor (without being too eggy). French toast was developed as a way to eat day old French bread – dry right? Soak, brown in pan with butter, and then bake in oven to make crispy and puffy. The type of bread will determine how many slices you have and how long it is baked. Small French bread slices require less time and more slices to satisfy the hunger. Brioche is a French bread with a high egg and butter content. It is perfect for French toast as it is nice and thick, and soaks in the perfect amount of egg. You can actually taste the richness of the bread when you bite into it. If you can’t find brioche, buy a challah (another egg bread).
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Summer Fruit Salad with Honey Lime Dressing
Summer is almost here and that means lots of beautiful, fresh fruit. Many of us eat fruit daily, like an apple or banana for dessert. Most of us do not eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables a day. To promote your health, eat a variety of fruits and vegetables—at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables—each day.