Tasty Asparagus & Strawberry Spring Salad

I first shared this recipe back in April 2017. I’ve updated the post and hope you enjoy it!

You can’t go wrong with asparagus.

I’ve another great asparagus recipe  for you.  This veggie is packed full of vitamins including vitamin A, C, E, K, and B6. If that isn’t enough for you, how about the fact that asparagus can help you lose weight? It is low in calories but high in insoluble fiber, which will help you feel full longer. Asparagus also contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine which helps flush fluid and salt from your body (which can actually help prevent UTI’s). And along those lines asparagus can also help your digestive health and prevent bloating!

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Spinach Strawberry Salad

I do love strawberry season here in Florida. Strawberries are a cool weather crop, and strawberry season usually runs from December through March depending on the weather and temperature. Right now Florida spring strawberries are still in most markets. By late March and early April the US markets switch back to California strawberries. If you live in an area that doesn’t have good fresh strawberries in the local stores yet, pin this recipe for the summer when you can eat fresh local spinach and strawberries. Read More