New Pink Anthurium

Anthurium is a genus of about 1,000 species of flowering plants, the largest genus of the arum family, Araceae. General common names include anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower, and laceleaf. It is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida. Anthuriums are herbaceous epiphytes native to tropical America, a genus of more than 800 species found in the New World tropics from Mexico to northern Argentina and Uruguay.


If you have visited before, you know I fell in love with potted anthuriums about 5 years ago.  These potted plants in the winter give me a living plant and lots of beautiful blooms. The anthuriums do not really have flowers, but spathes which are a type of leaf.  The red anthurium is most common, and all I have previously owned.  This year I finally found a pink baby anthurium.  It is almost half the size of previous plants.  I have bought most of my anthuriums at the Publix flower department close to my home.  The local Winn Dixie also has a flower department which is smaller and often looks sad.  I have a problem with stores that sell potted plants and do not water them.  Winn Dixie is one of the worst. All sorts of plants were for sale and all had never been watered since last week easily.  The potting soil is bone dry and the plants are dying.  They had stocked many plants for Christmas and now had them 1/2 off.  Today I took a chance and chose one that looked like it could be revived. Unlike the plants I bought at Publix these do not come with a pretty white pot but have gift paper around them.



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My Favorite Flower & Nature Photos of 2020

Last week we looked at the top posts of 2020 in terms of visitors and link party features.  At the end of the first year of my little blog, I did a post of my favorite flowers from the year before.  Traditionally I have only included flowers in the garden or in a bouquet.  If you’ve visited me before you probably know flowers are one of my great loves.  Last year I also included a few nature shots, another great love. Today’s post is some of my favorites photos of flowers and nature  from 2020.  I hope I included some of yours too.

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