Don’t you love the smell of chocolate? I do and found this scrumptious face mask recipe about seven years ago on Spa Index. Unfortunately, my oily skin couldn’t handle this rich face mask, but I have given the recipe to friends, and they love it. This decadent mask is actually an excellent moisturizer; it leaves your skin baby soft. A natural, DIY mask that is easy to make and use without chemicals. It’s so safe you can actually eat it!
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The Soothing World of Cucumbers – DIY Face Mask Brighten Your Skin!
Cucumbers have a high water content – approximately 96%, and eating them on a hot, summer day can help you stay hydrated. With vitamins A, B, C, and K and with the minerals cooper, magnesium, potassium and silica, cucumbers are more nutritious than regular water. They are good for you internally and externally.
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Tips on Making Natural Beauty Treatments with Natural Ingredients
There are many recipes online for DIY beauty treatments and skin care. I love using natural ingredients but those natural ingredients can sometimes breed bacteria or cause allergic reactions.
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Summer DIY Recipe to Prevent Hair Damage From Chlorine
Today’s recipe is a natural, inexpensive, easy, recipe to strengthen hair exposed to chlorine.
It’s summer and who doesn’t enjoy a swim – in the ocean, lakes and pools. Short periods of swimming in a pool may not do permanent damage to your hair, but many of us spend too much time in a swimming pool. Regular exposure to a chlorinated swimming pool can cause a lot of damage to your hair. It sounds funny that wetting your hair can dry it, but chlorine can leave your hair dry and brittle. Try this recipe to minimize chlorine damage.
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DIY Frugal Foot Scrub
I have been trying homemade, natural skin care for the last couple of years. There are thousands of chemicals used in the conventional beauty and personal care products sold in stores. Here is one I read about a few years ago and really love. The peppermint essential oil is energizing while soothing to feet and legs.
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