The Ancient Fruit, Pomegranate, Has Super Food Benefits

The pomegranate is an ancient fruit that has been eaten for thousands of years. Originally from Persia, the pomegranate spread throughout the Mediterranean area in ancient times. Today it is widely cultivated for its beauty as an ornamental shrub and especially for its fruit. The fruit has a tough outer layer and a large center of juicy seeds. Only the seeds and juice from the seeds are edible and are extremely nutritious.
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For A Healthy Body and Mind, Eat Apples

When fall comes, my mind always thinks of apple orchards, cider mills and fresh pressed cider. My sister’s family lives in Michigan and I love to visit toward the end of August. First, Florida is like a steam tent in August and I enjoy a break. Second, Michigan can be hot but it also gets fronts from Canada that lower the temperature to mild. Third, the beginning of September marks the opening of the cider mills.  Offering fresh apples and fresh pressed cold cider, the mills draw crowds to welcome fall. We need to remember that besides the great taste, apples are super healthy for us. Read More

DIY Easy, All Natural, Potato Elbow and Heel Cream

Staying healthy includes avoiding the chemicals and toxins present in our modern world. Most beauty products are chemical brews that absorbed rapidly through the skin. Simple home beauty treatments are cost-effective and  chemical free. Potato Elbow and Heel Cream is a natural, easy, recipe to remove dead cells and soften your rough elbows and heels. Read More

Ripe Red Watermelon, A Favorite Summer Treat That Adds Great Health Benefits

Whether at a picnic or in your backyard, if it’s summer, it’s time cut open a watermelon. Some of my favorite summer childhood memories involve family, cookouts and watermelon. I learned to eat my slice on the grass leaning forward because I couldn’t control that wonderful red juice that ran down my chin. Red, ice cold, and juicy – that’s the way I want it. I don’t even associate the pink balls in many restaurants fruit salad with the tasty “real thing”.

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Peaches, A Great Addition To A Healthy Diet Plus Peach Smoothie Recipe

The sweet yet tart taste and fragrant aroma make peaches a popular snack. Besides being a tasty summer treat, peaches do great things for our bodies. Loaded with anti-oxidants, Vitamin C and A ,  peaches are low in calories (39 in 100 grams). They contain flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin and ß-cryptoxanthin, which help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals. This helps protect us from various diseases. Rich in minerals, peaches contain potassium, fluoride and iron. Iron helps form red blood cells. Potassium helps regulate heart and blood pressure. Fluoride helps prevent cavities. Research also indicates that they help prevent obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

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Healthy Living: Lemon Honey Ginger Morning Drink To Support The Immune System

There are many internet posts about a tea from lemon, honey, and ginger to fight colds and flues. Most recipes start with fresh ginger (root) which is sliced, boiled and steeped to make tea. The tea is strained and added to lemon juice and honey. My morning drink has developed over many years. One winter I was very sick with the latest version of the flu. I had bronchitis and could barely talk. Two friends arrived in the evening with a fresh lemon, a jar of honey and a bottle of booze. They made a hot whiskey tonic. It was so soothing on my inflamed throat, my coughing decreased, and I went to sleep easily. For the next several days I made myself a lemon honey tonic without the booze. Read More