How to Live More Naturally

We live in a very unnatural world. We wake up, we jump on social media, we put on clothes made of artificial fibers, drive to work, sit in front of a computer all day, eat processed foods, come home, and watch TV all night.  How much time do you spend looking at a device? Phones, tablets, computers, TV, ….now many household appliances have computers in them too. Smart homes can talk to you and keep your home running. Nature and the environment have been stripped, cut, and polluted. Many of our fellow creatures that reside on this planet are gone or on the brink of extinction. Read More

Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary

Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary
3750 South Flamingo Road
Davie, FL 33330-1614

Flamingo Gardens was originally founded as Flamingo Groves, a citrus orchard, in 1927 by Floyd L. and Jane Wray. The Wrays came to Florida in 1925 and were deeply intrigued with the horticultural possibilities of the subtropical locale. They purchased 320 acres of land around and including Long Key in the Everglades. On January 2, 1927, Floyd L. Wray incorporated Flamingo Groves, beginning what was to become one of the first botanical gardens and tourist attractions in South Florida. 

The Floyd L. Wray Memorial Foundation was established in 1969 by Mrs. Wray, in honor of her late husband, to preserve the core property for future generations and emphasize the history of the Florida Everglades. The name was changed to Flamingo Gardens, and the gardens were preserved and  expanded. In 1990, the Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary opened with the Bird of Prey Center, followed by the half-acre Free-flight Aviary featuring the 5 ecological zones of South Florida. One of the first of its kind in the country, the sanctuary gave residence to permanently injured or non-releasable Florida native wildlife.

$21.95 per day adult admission

Last week my post, Flamingo Gardens & Museum, explored one of my favorite places in South Florida, Flamingo Gardens.  Acres of one of the last natural jungle growths in South Florida with over 3000 tropical and subtropical species of plants and trees, Flamingo Gardens is a beautiful place to wander. See that post for photos and information regarding the Wray Home and the gardens.  Today we’ll explore the wildlife in the sanctuary.

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Flamingo Gardens & Museum

Flamingo Gardens & Wildlife Sanctuary
3750 South Flamingo Road
Davie, FL 33330-1614

Flamingo Gardens was originally founded as Flamingo Groves, a citrus orchard, in 1927 by Floyd L. and Jane Wray. The Wrays came to Florida in 1925 and were deeply intrigued with the horticultural possibilities of the subtropical locale. They purchased 320 acres of land around and including Long Key in the Everglades. On January 2, 1927, Floyd L. Wray incorporated Flamingo Groves, beginning what was to become one of the first botanical gardens and tourist attractions in South Florida. 

The Floyd L. Wray Memorial Foundation was established in 1969 by Mrs. Wray, in honor of her late husband, to preserve the core property for future generations and emphasize the history of the Florida Everglades. The name was changed to Flamingo Gardens, and the gardens were preserved and  expanded. In 1990, the Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary opened with the Bird of Prey Center, followed by the half-acre Free-flight Aviary featuring the 5 ecological zones of South Florida. One of the first of its kind in the country, the sanctuary gave residence to permanently injured or non-releasable Florida native wildlife. 


$21.95 per day adult admission



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Warm Mineral Springs, Florida


12200 San Servando Avenue
North Port, Florida 34287

I originally wrote about Warm Mineral Springs, Florida in 2015.

This post is an update with new information and photos.



Why Go To A Mineral Springs


We’ve all heard of the Dead Sea and how healthy Dead Sea salts are. Why? Because of the heavy concentrations of minerals.  I have bought Dead Sea salts for bathing, but I will probably never make it to the actual Dead Sea. Soaking in mineral waters is an ancient practice. Pilgrims in search of healing have “taken the waters” for centuries, looking for miracle cures for diseases ranging from skin disorders to arthritis. Andrew Weil, M.D., says that warm mineral springs can ease the pain of arthritis, lessen the fatigue associated with fibromyalgia and reduce stress.  Then I learned about a warm mineral spring right here in Florida.  I have lived in Florida many years, but I had never heard of Warm Mineral Springs in North Port, Florida until 2013. It is the only naturally formed warm springs in Florida, is the largest warm mineral springs in the world, and is a constant 87 (F) degrees. It has the highest mineral count of any springs in the United States. The pond is replenished daily by approximately 9 million gallons of water discharged by the three vents that feed the spring. The vents dredge up countless minerals and sulfur gas believed to cure everything from stress to psoriasis to kidney problems to slipped discs. Read More

A Beautiful Day at James E. Grey Preserve

James E Grey Preserve

6938 Plathe Rd, New Port Richey, FL  (727) 841-4560


James E. Grey Preserve is an amazing treasure in New Port Richey. Quiet, peaceful, and so old Florida, it is an 80-acre riverfront preserve offering many birds & other wildlife, 2 miles of trails & a playground. This City of New Port Richey park is quiet and very pretty. I saw plenty of pretty birds, gopher tortoises and turtles in the river.



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My Favorite Flower & Nature Photos from 2019

Last week I shared the Top Posts of 2019 which were based on readers visits and Link Party features.  Today I’m sharing some of my favorite photos from the last year. Traditionally I have only included flowers in the garden or in a bouquet.  If you’ve visited me before you probably know flowers are one of my great loves.  This year I’m also including a few sunsets and beautiful skies, another great love. I’m now posting so many nature and travel posts that I felt it was necessary to expand my favorites post.  I hope you enjoy the journey through 2019 photos!

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Making A Snowman in Florida

On Sunday November 17th Tampa Bay had the lowest high temperature for that date in recorded history.  The high was only 53 degrees F. Now I know what you’re thinking; it sounds like a great temperature to those of you up north. It was over 20 degrees cooler than our average for this time of year. November is usually warm to hot. On the Friday before, a cold front moved into the area from up north where many folks got snow. The skies looked like snow but we got 3 to 4 days of cold rain with grey skies.  Then our usual blue skies returned with mild temperatures and lows in the 40’s and 50’s.  Love this kind of weather.

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