7 Ways To Have Fabulous Feet!

Are you treating your feet right?

For most of my life I’ve had trouble keeping my feet happy.  I have a wide foot with a small heel which usually means many shoes hurt or fall off. I inherited toe nails that want to grow down into my toe.  I have dry heels which can crack. Need I go on?  I know that feet need to be strong, flexible, and healthy.  Dare I hope that my feet can be pretty? Today  I’m discussing 7 practical, simple things we can do to keep our feet happy.  
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DIY Homemade, Chemical Free Beauty Treatment: Avocado Hair Conditioner

The world of beauty products is filled with chemicals.  Some are really not good for you. That is one of the things I love about homemade beauty products.   Today we’ll talk about a homemade treatment for dry hair.  It’s a natural, easy, DIY recipe to repair and hydrate dull, fly-away hair,  avocado hair conditioner. The ingredients are simple and naturally good.  Cut a Haas avoicado in half. Mash one half in a bowl and add oil.  Avocado is full of protein and nutrients to moisturize dry dull hair. Olive oil and sweet almond oil are lightweight and contain essential fatty acids to strengthen hair.


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DIY Easy, All Natural, Potato Elbow and Heel Cream

Staying healthy includes avoiding the chemicals and toxins present in our modern world. Most beauty products are chemical brews that absorbed rapidly through the skin. Simple home beauty treatments are cost-effective and  chemical free. Potato Elbow and Heel Cream is a natural, easy, recipe to remove dead cells and soften your rough elbows and heels. Read More