Spring Amaryllis Blooms

First I wanted to let everyone know I am at home recuperating from my surgery on Monday. It will be a slow recovery, but I’m happy to report my pain is less than before surgery. Thanks for your support.

Last week I shared my first amaryllis blooms of white flowers. This week photos of the continued white flowers with the addition of red amaryllis. Despite the worse drought in 10 years here in Florida, I still have amaryllis blooms to lift my heart.

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Spring Garden White Amaryllis

I live in Central Florida, growing zone 9B which is semi-tropical. Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida. The red amaryllis you buy at Christmas are FORCED bulbs.

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How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. – Lao Tzu

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I’m wishing you good luck and happiness today. This last week has been incredible in the amount of snow that hit the country. Many of us are wanting spring while nature gives us more winter. Here in central Florida we had high 80s degree weather last week. This week the cold front came down and Wednesday was in the 50’s F. I know that is not cold to most of you but it was to me. The sky started out gray with cold rain. Later the sun came out. I know that eventually the weather will start to warm up everywhere. When the sun shines brighter and little green things poke their heads out of the soil, it’s the perfect time to bring your garden to life. Create a vibrant outdoor space to enjoy throughout the summer. Though, it’s important to remember that nature doesn’t rush its processes. As Lao Tzu once said, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Take the time to plan your garden layout, choose the right plants, and incorporate the elements that will make it beautiful and functional. Several years ago, I shared basic garden landscaping ideas and printables. They’re great to use when you want to update your garden too.

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Eastern Redbud Blooms

Last month I mentioned that the tree down the street had bloom and I didn’t get the chance to take photos. I first photographed it 2 years ago and asked for help identifying the tree. The owner did not know what kind of tree it is. In February it has pink blossoms for a short while. Some people suggested a fruit tree or almond tree, but the tree makes no fruit or nut. Most people suggested a Redbud tree. I looked it up and found this description:

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My Favorite Flower Photos for 2022

Last week we looked at the top posts of 2022 in terms of visitors.  It was a chance for me to know what are your favorite posts. 2 days later I shared My Favorite Nature Photos for 2022. In the past I shared a mix of nature and flowers posts in one post, but there were too many photos this year. Today’s review includes both flowers in the garden and bouquets in the house from the last year.

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Growing Vegetables For A Beginner

The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. – George Bernard Shaw

When the holidays are over and a new year begins, I look forward to spring. It doesn’t matter that it is over 2 months away.  Spring is my favorite time of year.  In most of the country, winter is a “downtime” in the garden. During those months, you have time to consider what you want to add or change in your garden. I always start with a piece of paper and a rough drawing of my yard.  It’s never to scale but it helps me plan what projects I’m doing this year.  Are you growing vegetables or making a raised bed?  Adding to the shrubs or trees that form your basic landscape? Winter is the time to dream and plan.

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Gardening in December

We’re getting close to the official first day of winter on December 21st. We’re all decorating, baking, and planning for the two big holidays, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Then cold, dark January comes with low temperatures and for many locations, dreary gray skies. For many of us it means we’re going to end up spending most of our time snuggled up indoors cozy under a blanket. For those of you in more northern climates, you’ve already had snow and are in the winter season no matter what the calendar says. Now we’re in the huge Christmas rush. In another month, the holidays are over and the New Year is upon us.  Are you making resolutions for 2022? How about adding gardening to your list?

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Tropical Parking Lot Landscape

The other day I drove to my favorite Publix Supermarket here in central Florida. I noticed how nice the parking lot looked with great tropical foliage. Public landscaped areas are a great way to find easy to grow plants for your area. Owners of strip malls want to provide a pleasant environment for the customers, but they don’t want to spend big money on maintaining plants. Each row of parking spaces has a nice flower bed at the end with variegated leaf bushes, colorful crotons, and a plant with small blue flowers. The two types of bushes are tropical and easy to grow in our climate. Add a tree and a large light post and it’s perfect for the public location. (Government buildings and community buildings are also good places to note landscape plants. In more northern environments there is often a few evergreen bushes that provide a frame year round.)

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