A Cold Front Moves In To Central Florida

The weatherman had forecast a northern front coming down to Florida. I woke to heavy cloud coverage which became increasingly dark in the early morning. Slowly the front moved in.

Inside my home I had something to brighten the day. After Christmas, I bought a peace lily for my home. It’s something alive and green to keep me company. I put it on the table with my angel figurine. It makes lots of white flowers. I have no pets or children which is an important safety concern with peace lilies.

Spathiphyllum is a genus of about 60 species of monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. Certain species of Spathiphyllum are commonly known as spath or peace lilies. They make a perfect house plant as they require indirect light.

Your peace lily will survive in most light conditions, but a good amount of indirect light will ensure that your peace lily developing those beautiful white-capped flowers. Keeping a peace lily in bright direct sunlight can make its leaves scorch. Peace lilies love humidity, so mist yours every few days or keep her in a humid room, like a kitchen or bathroom. For effortless work, try keeping the pot in a tray filled with water. The plant will pull water from the bottom when needed, and it’s better for the plant. The plant is sensitive to chemicals in tap water and grow best with filtered water.

Note that direct touch of peace lily’s leaves can cause an itchy or burning sensation. The leaves are toxic to humans and can cause throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, nausea, and lips swelling if eaten. Excessive consumption can result in kidney failure or respiratory distress. The plant is also toxic to pets and can cause difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and intense burning of the mouth, tongue, and throat.

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

29 thoughts to “A Cold Front Moves In To Central Florida”

    1. It was 43 cegrees F this morning but we’ll warm up today to a high of 70. Then tomorrow another cold front moves in. By
      February it should be better. At least the blue skies are here today.

    1. It was 43 degrees F this morning but we’ll warm up today to a high of 70. Then tomorrow another cold front moves in. By
      February it should be better. At least the blue skies are here today.

  1. Awesome sky shots and beautiful peace lily and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I thought here in the Northeast we were the ones experiencing the annoying cold. weather I hope you didn’t lose any outdoor plants. I also have two peace lilies. They are such an easy plant to have. They bloom so easily and hold onto the blooms for a long time.

  3. It is a beautiful plant Carol, such delicate and exotic looking flowers. I am always surprised how toxic many plants and flowers can be. We seem to be having quite a cold snap right now. 30 deg F. high, with another winter storm watch with more snow for later tonight. I hope your year is off to a good start. Stay warm!

  4. What a beautiful peace lily, Carol! I’m sorry it has gotten chilly – Florida is normally so temperate! We are very chilly here – about 21°F and very damp with it. Thank you for sharing this lovely post, and I hope your weather gets better!

    1. Thanks April. We’ve had lows in the 40’s and it makes a dampness in your home. Since most buildings in Florida are CBS (concrete block structures) which doesn’t really dry according to experts, low temperatures make it a damp chill in the morning. Even when it isn’t that cold, I always turn on heat for a little while to get the dampness out during December and January. We had a high of low 70’s yesterday which is more normal. I know by February we should have fewer real lows. Happy January to you!

    1. I don’t like cold weather at all. That’s the reason I moved to Florida decades ago. Got my fingers crossed for both of us to get an early spring!

  5. Wow, I have had a peace lily for years (it was given to me by by dad and aunt after my grandmother’s funeral since neither one of them wanted it). I has thrived in our house but I had no idea they were toxic or that the leaves could cause itching.

  6. I am so sorry that Florida is experiencing a cold front. I know a lot of folks move there just because it does not typcally get cold there. Try to stay warm and enjoy your Peace Lily, Thank you for the tip to use distilled water for plants. I am definitly going to try that tip.

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