Christmas is Different in Florida

I’d like to end this year with a post filled with whimsey and humor. I’ve collected some of my favorite Florida photos, jokes, and memes. I do not know the creators as they are shared on social media by many people. I hope you enjoy them.

In November the arrival of snow birds begins. ‘Tis the season of Christmas lights. Florida traffic is an ever present topic.

In November the final hurricane of the season ended in northern Florida. Residents were creative in dealing with leftover debris not picked up by cities. Everything is better with lights.

What to do with leftover sandbags in December? Make a snowman of course.

Snowmen are easy with sand.

Weather is another favorite topic here. Florida does get cold fronts which send residents into shock. Here is a cold front moving in. No blue sky that day.

Only in Florida are floaties and firewood displayed together at Publix.

Remembering the coldest year in Tampa.

Manatees can suffer from cold stress or hypothermia in cold weather because they don’t have a thick layer of blubber for protection. They can go for weeks without feeding, but they cannot survive for long in cold water temperature. During cold weather they gather in warm water habitats, such as springs and power plant discharge basins. Below they huddle at 3 Sisters’ Spring.

Teddy, the Florida Christmas manatee, says, “hi.”

The fog season is usually based in the cooler months (late autumn, winter and early spring). Below Tampa high-rises peak their heads out of a heavy morning fog.

Do you like flamingo yard decorations?

How about a Christmas tree of lighted flamingo decorations?

Let’s celebrate the holidays with humor. Time for some Christmas lights Florida style.

Did you see one of the boat parades held all over Florida?

I hope you’ve had a great holiday season. See you in 2025!

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

8 thoughts to “Christmas is Different in Florida”

  1. Thank you for this delightful post Carol. I chuckled all the way through. Loved it! Thank you for all the wonderful posts you have shared this past year. Stay warm, lol! And wishing you a Very Happy New Year!

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