Frangipani on a Summer Day

Frangipani, also known as plumeria, is a tree best known for its fragrant, five-petal flowers that are used to make Hawaiian leis. Native to tropical climates, frangipani is a wonderful tree in the Southern garden. Frangipani is an easy-to-grow tropical tree that flowers from April through November.

When I lived at my house, I always had at least one frangipani tree. Below is one of last year’s photos taken in the front yard.

You can easily propagate frangipani with a nice size branch cutting. I had to cut back my tree last fall right by the driveway. There were two small branches growing into the driveway area. I cut them and gave one to my friend, Vickie, and kept one for an experiment at my new home, the condo. Being a tropical plant, frangipani loves full tropical sun. Would it grow in a pot on a balcony with a roof? The sun would be from the side which is not full sun.

In the past I would cut a branch and immediately stick it in the ground. It would grow roots and leaves, and behold I had a new small plant. I kept the branch in my condo, and it began to shrivel. I placed it in a glass of water and changed the water daily for about a week. It filled out nicely. Then I filled a large flower pot with potting soil and placed my branch in the middle. I water it frequently.

My little piece of the tree had a Y at the top of the small branch. It grew leaves and loads of flowers. In comparison to a branch in the ground in full sun, it has not grown as fast in a pot. I think that is due to less sun. I consider my experiment a great success. I have a tiny little tree on my balcony which smells like heaven. I’m so happy.

Every morning it usually is a pretty day with blue skies here in central Florida. Since we are in the rainy season, there may be a dark cloud on the edge of the clouds like below. Three to four hours later the moisture has built up, and I hear thunder. The rain is here. I sit with a view of the balcony and the rain. I hope those of you up in the heat wave are ok. Drink plenty of water and don’t spend a lot of time the full sun.

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

28 thoughts to “Frangipani on a Summer Day”

  1. I love them. There are a lot around here – we call them Frangipani too. I pick them up off the ground when the flowers drop and put them in water in the kitchen. I love the smell! #Skywatch

  2. Oh I can almost catch the beautiful scent from your picture Carol! It’s so lovely. I’m sorry we didn’t see any of these this year and now we are getting ready to leave for the summer. I had no idea that they could be grown from cuttings like that! (But I’m guessing you need a green thumb like yours for that to happen). If I ever had one, my green thumb is terribly out of practice now. Have a great summer. Sallie

  3. I’ve only seen, and smelled, plumeria in Puerto Rico. It’s not tropical enough for it in Oregon. I thought the aroma a bit too sweet. Very strong.

  4. I’ve never experienced the scent of this flower. Perhaps Nature did the work, but you still tended that pot. That is one beautiful flower. Alana ramblinwitham

  5. Oh my their so pretty. And I can virtually smell them.
    Visiting today from MMBC #3

  6. I feel like I have learned something about Frangipani. The flowers really are beautiful.
    Your experiment worked out really well. How lovely to have that on your balcony.

  7. I don’t have a green thumb and often don’t have much success with plants. I’m fascinated that you could just stick a branch in the dirt and it would grow into another plant!

    1. The first stick was given to my at a garden club plant sale. They said here is a frangipani for you. Then they handed me a stick. They tried to explain. I went home and laid i down on a porch table. Two days later it was sprouting just sitting in the hot humid Florida air!

  8. It is so awesome you were able to take the frangipani with you to the condo. Such a beautiful plant! My husband and I spent 5 years in a condo in Henderson, NV. While I thoroughly enjoyed condo living my west facing balcony in the three digit desert temps made it impossible to grow anything. I am envious that you can grow this beauty!

    1. I’ve never tried living in a desert. I don’t know if I’d like that since I love seeing green stuff.

      1. Living in the desert does take getting used to. I had to learn to appreciate the rugged landscape. But I’m in NC now – surrounded by green.

        1. Now you have great green spaces. I know the desert has its own beauty, but I need some green.

  9. Hi Carol, That is oe beautiful plant. I would love to have one. How fun to grow one on your balcony. I hope you are all settled and happy in your new space.

  10. I grew a few plumeria plants in Largo this spring. Hope to see some flowers soon. A friend in TN has a few plants, but she finally decided to get rid of them because it’s becoming too much work moving them back and forth.
    Happy Fourth of July!

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