Today’s photos are from past posts as I say good-bye to my little house on the west coast of Florida and coastal living. It’s kind of sad, but as I take a new step in life in my new home, it’s also exciting. Next week is the big day, and I am more than ready emotionally to let go of my little house. (I’m moving to a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in Lakeland, Florida. See I Sold My House & Found a Condo for more information.)

When I bought my home in 2010, there was a huge golden rain tree in the front yard. That first year I had to have the plumbing line rotored out due to tree roots. The man said I would be calling him about every 2 years due to the large trees. Within 2 years, I removed 2 large trees. I had no more root problems after that. I did add a small crepe myrtle in the front yard. I love the summer flowers.

What I will miss about my home? The amaryllis I added to front flower beds.

I love adding large amaryllis flowers to bouquets in the house.

My front flower bed also has my rosemary bush. I bought a tiny plant for my kitchen window. Needless to say it grew. I repotted multiple times and then planted it in the flower bed.

Finally, I added a gardenia bush at the other end of the flower bed. It blooms late spring with beautiful white flowers.

The fragrance is heavenly.

I’ve had multiple tropical hibiscus bushes in the yard. The classic single hibiscus flower with petals in a circle around the stamen is beautiful.

I dearly love double hibiscus with the ruffled look of mulitple petals.

Yes, I will miss my garden, but I really can’t take care of it anymore. It’s time to let go and move to another phase of my life. I bought a white amaryllis bulb for Christmas and will keep it potted on my balcony. A few pots I can handle better than a large garden.

I’ll choose a few houseplants; I’ll buy bouquets. I love flowers in the house.

I have a cutting from my frangipani tree. I doubt it will do well in a pot, but I’ll try.

Thanks for sharing memories with me. You can look forward to photos of drives around Lakeland as I explore. Of course, I will also be sharing photos of flowers. They feed my soul. Take care.

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Hope the new owner takes good care of your house. I love all those flowers and plants.
…Carol, I hope that your move goes smoothly and that you enjoy your new home.
I love the porch overhand you added. I’m sure you’ll miss the garden and quite certain you’ll bring the garden “inside” of your new home. It’s fun seeing these photos. (I wish I could grow rosemary year round like that!). Good luck next week, Carol!
Best wishes on this next stage in your life. May it be filled with wonderful adventures and new friends.
I have really enjoyed seeing your garden photos, it really is beautiful but it sounds like you are better with a few pots which are more manageable. Good luck with the move and I hope you are happy in your new home.
Thanks Kim – my body will be happier without trying to bend, etc. caring for flower beds. I will try creating a garden space on the balcony that is easy to care for. Happy Thursday!
Your house is beautiful. The people who bought it from you are lucky people. You will always have your memories and your photographs.
My wife and I are thinking that we need to do some planning. She is a certified master gardener but she can’t work at it hard like she used to do. She has more and more pots on the back patio.
I’m looking forward to posts from you with photographs of the area around your new condo!!
I understand trying to scale back flower beds. Lots and lots of work to keep them going. My little balcony will have a few pots around and even when I’m in the living room, I’ll have the view of the pots.
Such beautiful (and fragrant) memories of your cottage. I hope all goes well with you and enjoy good health and happiness in your new home.
thanks Ken – Happy 2024!
Memories are great. I was worried how I would feel after leaving our large home but now after 3 years in our new place, I’ve forgotten the pat home. I’m so excited where we are at, no steps, going from my bedroom to the TV room to the kitchen. I still love it. You’ll get use to it Carol. You’ll make good places for your flowers and I’ll be looking forward to seeing all of your new pictures. Have a great new year, 2024 my friend’
Cruisin Paul
Good luck with your move. It’s so very hard to move from a home you’ve been in a long time, but you have a great attitude and it sounds like the right thing to do at the right time!
Hello Carol,
I am sure it is hard leaving your home, you have many happy memories you can take with you.
I hope your move goes smoothly. I will look forward to seeing your new place and more from Lakeland. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.
thanks Eileen – only have 4 days until the truck comes – honestly I am quite enthusiastic about the move!
The flowers from your garden are so beautiful. So sad to leave them behind but you will take all the wonderful memories with you on to your new adventure! Change is always difficult but sounds like you have been preparing yourself. Looking forward to hearing about your move and your new residence. Good luck..
thanks Judee – only 5 days to go!
You have a beautiful garden and, I am sure, beautiful memories of your home. We planted a crepe myrtle in our garden last year in memory of our son. It didn’t flower this last season but I am hopeful for this year. The frangipani should grow in a pot. Definitely worth giving it a try!
Wishing you an easy move.
Thanks Lisa – I’m crossing my fingers and hoping for a little tree on my balcony with a few flower pots. That would make me happy.
Best of luck with your new housing. Time catches up with us all, sadly. My husband is probably going to abandon in ground veggie gardening this year in our community garden and use raised beds that are at waist height. I know the day will come when we have to say goodbye to our house, too. I look forward to your new adventures in Lakeland. Alana ramblinwitham
So many plants flourish in containers, you won’t miss your old ones long! I recommend Blue Boy rosemary, it’s a dwarf and I have had one in a small pot for years.
I must make a note of that name – thanks so much Lisa.
Sure some amazing flowers
Good luck with the move!
It’s always bittersweet moving. You put a lot of love and hard work into your garden, but you’re wise to know when it is time. Thank you for sharing your flowers. So glad you have these photos. I’m sure your potted plants will look fabulous in your new home. I look forward to seeing your new surrounds when you have some time. Good luck on the move Carol, I’ll be thinking of you!
thanks Denise – 2 days to go!
Your so-long is very nicely written. Wishing you the best in your new abode!
Good luck with your move! I live in Lake Wales but travel to Lakeland to eat the best Chinese food at Lings. I often think about moving into a condo as I have two homes and two gardens to take care of. Being a snowbird means coming back to a week of weeding and cleaning the yards. I am looking forward to seeing how well you are doing with your transition!
I also considered Lake Wales and plan to visit there. I’m not really familiar with this area and hope to explore. I will miss my garden but not the upkeep at all!
Oh, I love the photos. I’m jealous you can grow gardenias in your yard. They really are a heavenly scent. I’m glad you’ve got so many photos to remember your wonderful home! Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #20 linkup! Hope to see you there next week, too–share a new or old post. 🙂
Lovely photos as always and good post I am sure you will be very happy when you move into your new home, hope the move goes smoothly 🙂
Have an amaryllistastic week ????
I have to say I don’t miss the yard work and weeding! It’s a relief not to have to worry with that. I can visit gardens nearby and let someone else do the hard part!
Thank you for sharing at
Best wishes in your new home. I’m a crazy plant lady and I do hope you brought a few amaryllis bulbs with you for your new beginning. I live in New England and have successfully grown them in pots on my deck, bringing them into the garage for the winter.
Change can be bittersweet, but it’s also full of promises!
Best wishes on your move to Lakeland.
Here’s to embracing new beginnings and making wonderful memories in your new condo, Carol.
I know you’ll miss your beautiful house and pretty garden with all the flowers you so carefully planted and lovingly nurtured, but you will find a sense of freedom with living in a condo. You will love your potted plants (I can tell yours will be the most beautiful patio there), and you will not have to worry about building upkeep. Can’t wait to hear more about your new place and about Lakeland! We’re in Chiefland for the winter!
I’ve never been to that area of Florida. Thanks for the nice comment!
Congratulations on selling your home, Carol and best wishes on life in your new condo! It is always good to look ahead to new beginnings and experiences. Happy New Year –I took a blog break over the holiday and I’m glad to be back.
Dear Carol,
I can understand that you will miss your house and your garden. That’s how I’ll feel when we move into our retirement home (as planned) in about 7 years. But you wrote that you are “more than ready emotionally to let go of my little house” – that’s good. So you will accept the changes relatively quickly. My husband and I are already emotionally preparing for the move because we know from older people in our area that they sometimes find it punishing to move into a retirement home or from a house into a much more practical apartment, even if it is it’s still so beautiful there. We want to see it – like you – as the next step into a new phase of life.
Happy New Year and all the best for your move!
Warm rust rose greetings and all the best, Traude ????
New year with new adventures. May you be blessed and enjoy the new period. BTW Love frangipani – in fact had it as part of my wedding.
Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 292. See you again next week!
You certainly made your beautiful house a home, and I’m sure it won’t take long before your condo is your happy place too. Wishing you all the very best and I can’t wait to see the pretty blooms on your balcony. x
Your gardens are lovely and I can see why you’ll miss them but I just know you’ll make your new condo into a lovely home complete with lots of plants around.
I can relate with you as I lost upon my collection of amaryllis lily while garden was renovating. I love hibiscus and yes Gardenia is aromatic. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
So many beautiful flowers! Wishing you all the best as you move and adjust to a new phase. I’m sure that your balcony will look beautiful with all your potted flowers. I look forward to seeing pictures xx