Ducks in a Row

Muscovy ducks are unusual Florida residents. They hiss instead of quack, they fly clumsily, and they somehow flourish in Florida’s urban environment. Native to Central and South America, they have lived in Florida for many years and can be found near lakes and canals statewide.  These birds were illegally released primarily by private individuals for ornamental purposes or as pets. Muscovy ducks can be extremely prolific and local populations can increase dramatically in a short time. As a result, controversies frequently arise between residents who enjoy the birds and residents who consider them a nuisance. When you have a large number of ducklings multiple times a year, a duck mother is kept busy herding.

It’s hard to get your ducks in a row.

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

20 thoughts to “Ducks in a Row”

  1. They are super cute but I can see how they could be viewed as problematic. We have ducks on our pond too but they have natural predators so while it’s heartbreaking to see a momma duck with tons of baby ducklings at the start of the season and only 2 or 3 by season’s end it is nature’s way of assuring they don’t take over.

  2. Your photos are charming, Carol. I don’t believe they can flourish here as the hawks and other raptors would find them as an easy dinner, although our geese population is growing.

  3. Tulsa’s ponds have a large population of former pets including lots of muscovy ducks. They are pains in the rear to me! Ugly and aggressive.

  4. I know they’re considered invasive, but honestly those babies all in a row, who couldn’t love them? (Don’t answer that, I really do already know. They are kind of like Canada Geese up here. I have a real love-hate relationship with them.)

    1. I love them and sometimes I strongly dislike them. They are not as smart as say a wood duck. They will run from the smaller duck when it gets aggressive. I’ve seen it. I do have a thing for most animals and love babies (not insects! or snakes! or spiders!)

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