(Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in warm areas like Florida.)
Rosemary: If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 or below, rosemary will only survive if you bring it indoors before the arrival of freezing temperatures. On the other hand, if your growing zone is at least zone 8, you can grow rosemary outdoors year round with protection during the chilly months. I live in zone 9B, semi-tropical, here in central Florida. I can grow amaryllis outside while northern climates can grow traditional spring bulbs like daffidils and tulips. I cannot grow those.
Friday began at 2:00 AM as a thunderstorm raged over my house. By 2:30 AM we were under a tornado watch for 15 minutes. Then the lightening and thunder passed followed by quiet rain. I was wondering if my amaryllis buds that I shared on Thursday survived the wind and rain. Luckily they did. At 8 AM I saw a pink flower opening. By 4:30 PM, 2 flowers were open and 1 bud was starting to open. Photos were taken Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I cannot grow northern spring flowers like tulips as Florida is too warm. Amaryllis is a semi-tropical bulb that flowers in spring in warm climates. You see them in homes at Christmas and they are forced bulbs. I hope you enjoy my first amaryllis blooms this season. This pink and white plant is right by my expanding rosemary bush.

To the right of the pink amaryllis is a figurine of a hedgehog and another budding amaryllis. The new flowers will be large and white very soon.

I hope you’re having a beautiful spring!

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Your flowers are so beautiful. I woke up this morning to snow. Can you belive it. I took out my Camero on Friday and this morning it’s white snow. I want to cry.
Cruisin Paul
Spring is tricky in really northen areas like Canada. I know back in the 70’s my sister lived in Wisconsin and on April 15th one year they had the biggest snow storm of the year. Brrr! I sending you warm thoughts and a prayer for sunshine!
Thanks Carol. When I think of you, I think of warmth.
Cruisin Paul
Oh my goodness…such crazy weather, but I am glad your Amaryllis made it through! Happy spring!
Wishing you a great spring with gorgeous flowers!
Que lindas flores, me han enamorado. Te mando un beso y ten una buena semana.
Carol – I am happy that the storm was not more severe, and that your amaryllis survived as well. Gorgeous blooms! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
The Amaryllis is a lovely bloom. The small hedgehog nearby is funny.
Happy MosaicMonday
I love those delicate stripes Carol —Once again, this year I’m having to get over feeling like I’m missing something because I’m not seeing the usual Spring flowers. (Last season we saw them for the first time in years when we stayed in Oregon). But your lovely Amaryllis help me to feel good about the distinctive Florida beauty that nobody in Oregon is ever going to see out in their yards! PS: Glad the worst of that storm passed you by (and us too).
I’m glad you were passed by the storm too – It surely sounded like a giant kicking my house. Enjoy Florida’s beauty and be patient for the beauty of Oregon you’ll see when you return home. Have a beautiful week!
What beautiful photos as always love the colour so elegant
Have a blooming amaryllistastic week 👍
I love yours and this delicate color. We have some still blooming here but most of them are red. We had a rainy day on Sat but it never got bad weather. We were so thankful. Enjoy your week!
Such a stunning flower, Carol 🙂 Beautiful colours
Happy spring my friend. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with #aclwcc. Pinned and tweeted.
Last week a tornado landed (with damage and people in the hospital) in the next suburb over. We talked to a guy living two miles over and he told us that in the 7 years he has lived here this has never happened! But I did not know Amaryllis was also blooming in Spring. Love this color! Emille (Jesh)
yes a spring bulb in a semi-tropical climate – the ones at Christmas are forced bulbs. glad to talk to you again!
One of the things of All Seasons I miss most, is the weekly contact with the ones who linked. But I also know I never would have had the time for spending much time at the pottery wheel. Finally now I come out with pieces I somewhat like, lol.
I’ve missed visiting you too. I’m always happy to see you at a link up. I know you’re very busy but I like to catch up occasionally.
A beauty!
Beautiful Amaryllis, the porcupine is adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
The colors of your amarylllis are just fabulous. I love the hint of pink!
thanks Jeanie