Terri’s Spring Flowers

My friend Terri lives up outside Nashville, Tennessee. She shared some photos of her first spring flowers. These are the flowers I miss every year. I love living in Florida and don’t miss a northern winter, but every spring I miss the beautiful flowers that bloom at the end of winter in a colder environment. Lots of us in Florida will buy a pot of forced spring bulbs to enjoy. Unfortunately you can’t plant them for next year. They will not come up and bloom in Florida as our temperatures are too warm. Thanks Terri for sharing!

Happy Spring!

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

21 thoughts to “Terri’s Spring Flowers”

  1. Hyacinths and daffodils, so beautiful. If spring had a fragrance, it would be hyacinths for me!

  2. Carol – Spring is so much more enjoyable and refreshing after a long winter! Thanks for the shot of color! And for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. I love spring flowers, especially the smell of hyacinths. Mine are just starting to come through now. It’s my favourite time of year in the garden :o)


  4. I love these Spring flowers, reminds me of the ones when I was growing up in Arkansas. At least we have lots of wildflowers here in FL. I hiked today and they are blooming everywhere! Enjoy your week!

  5. Lovely! I don’t like long winters, but I do definitely love spring flowers and I, like some of the other commenters, love the smell of hyacinths.

  6. Thanks to Terri and to you too for sharing — like you, I miss Spring flowers while at the same time being so happy for the warmth and sunshine. It was fun seeing those flowers again last year when we didn’t come to Florida. They were a real bright spot during all the scary stuff thaat was going on (the reasons we stayed home).

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