Lucy’s First Christmas

Today’s photos are courtesy of Lisa Marinelli Murphy, my nephew Robert’s wife.


I’ve shared photos from Robert & Lisa before. They share their photos of the autumn trips to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan celebrating their anniversary. Their honeymoon photos are at Fall in Michigan.

Robert adopted a rescue basset hound some years ago.  His wife had an old beagle and old cat.  When they married, they called their home the old animal rescue as a joke.





Sadly they lost one of their old furry loves.   A week ago they adopted another rescue – an old beagle mix of course. Below you see him in his heated dog bed beside the Christmas tree.  It’s cold in Michigan.







Lisa says she is adjusting well with just one mishap. Lisa didn’t know she had adopted a small reindeer hunter. I think Lucy is asking, “Are you mad at me?”










Happy Holidays – keep smiling!












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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

23 thoughts to “Lucy’s First Christmas”

  1. Aw, what a cutie! I love that there is such a thing as a heated dog bed; not being a pet owner I don’t keep up with that stuff but I bet the dogs appreciate a nice warm place to curl up.

  2. Lucy looks like a sweetheart, and yup Michigan is cold, the UP is 10 times worse than the potion of MI to their south, maybe send Lucy some ear muffs?🐶❄

    1. If she needs them, I know Lisa will buy them. They live in a county by Detroit which is more than cold enough for me.

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