Last Amaryllis & A Bunny

Last week I shared what I thought was my last amaryllis.  It was my last solid deep red amaryllis. Then I got a surprise from a little amaryllis I got as a forced bulb 3 years ago at Christmas and then planted in the yard. Last year no flower. I thought it was dying. It was a little green plant with a couple of small leaves. Then I noticed 2 small buds forming in almost the middle of May.  I’ve explained before that most folks in my neighborhood have flowering amaryllis in February, March, and maybe April. My solid deep red amaryllis bloom late in April.  Now this little red amaryllis with a solid white center has 2 flowers.  I moved my little bunny over to pose him smelling a flower. (No there isn’t a great fragrance.)










When they were both fully opened, I came out late one afternoon to take photos.  The sun is on the back of the house and the porch is in the shade which makes it easy to take photos.

















I got an unexpected beautiful surprise.  Wishing you a pleasant surprises and beautiful days. Let’s end with a Florida sunset and more amaryllis.






















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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

36 thoughts to “Last Amaryllis & A Bunny”

  1. Dear Carol,
    this really is a nice surprise – and your bunny looks adorable with the big, fiery bloom! Here in Austria, amarylis are houseplants and for most people they bloom around Christmas. Only my crazy amaryllis usually blooms in the middle of summer 😉
    Hugs and best wishes, Traude

    1. amaryllis that bloon at Christmas are forced bulbs as they flower naturally in the spring like tulips

  2. …my amaryllis has big green leaves that are making and storing food for the bulb. It should flower nicely this coming fall.

  3. Your red is a lovely color and a late blooming is a very nice and welcome surprise I’m sure. Your bunny makes a wonderful companion 🙂 Thank you for sharing all these pretty photographs. I like your collages too.

  4. Carol – it’s surprises like that that keep us gardeners going, and fulfilled! A sublime color, especially with the white centers. And what a clever idea to put the bunny there in just the right position! Thanks for sharing your delight with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

  5. Love your beautiful garden photos. I’d love to invite you to share it at the Sundays on Silverado link party, which is open now. 🙂
    Niky @ The House on Silverado

  6. Wie niedlich diese Dekoration. Herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch in meinem Blog, natürlich schaue ich mich auch bei Dir mal um. Herzliche Gartengrüße


  7. What gorgeous amaryllis and the bunny is so cute! Florida sunsets are so lovely – it has been far too long since I’ve seen one in real life! Thank you for sharing, Carol, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  8. We all know bunnies have a better sense of smell than we do. I’m sure he enjoyed the scent of your beautiful amarylis ))). What a lovely surprise to have that little plant bloom so beautifully. You really do have a green thumb!

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