7:30 AM Thursday

Last Thursday was cooler after the previous days with highs in the 90″s F (this is Florida folks!).  I went into the front yard about 7:30 am with my camera. Blue skies and lower humidity make me very happy.  I find it easier to take photos outside early am or late afternoon before sunset.  The bright Florida sun midday can wash out colors in flowers.











The purple wandering Jew ground cover has pretty little flowers.







The miniature Mexican petunia has soft blue flowers.








The arbor is covered with flowering trumpet honeysuckle.













My small crepe myrtle tree has leaves and I’m looking forward to my summer blossoms on it.







My last red amaryllis is open. I’ll have to wait until next spring for more.






Both my frangipani (plumeria) trees are covered in flowers.




















Thanks for joining me in the garden today.

















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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

31 thoughts to “7:30 AM Thursday”

  1. 90 degrees, Oh my goodness. I’m happy that today will be in higher 60’s. I’m in shorts today. I love seeing all the many different flowers that you have. You give me many ideas so when it comes to my place, I’ll have some ideas.
    Have a wonderful day Carol.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. folks who live up north have real trouble with Florida summers – if you ever come to visit, make sure it is winter or early spring!

      1. no worry, I’ve never used Blogger but it should be similar to WordPress. Try copying this link below which will take your readers to my post where they can download the print if they want. Say copy and paste this in your browser to get a copy of the print.


        it may not may a link but they can copy and paste to go the page. If I lived closer I’d come over and help you but alas that won’t happen. It’s simple to add links but hard to explain it. I tried writing it up and it’s hard since I can’t see your screen of your post from the Blogger editor.

        Thanks for trying!

  2. Okay wow, lots of color there of all types. I love all your flowers.
    In Tulsa, the big summer color is the crepe myrtle shrubs (almost trees). They do very well. We had to cut ours way back this year because of the very hard freeze. (My wife called the cutting back “crepe murder”).

    1. I should have my crepe myrtle blooms by June I think – they grow into trees here – warmer than OK I think – sorry to hear about your crepe murder

  3. I wish I could smell that frangipani through my computer. Beautiful photos, Carol! Highs in the 90s are cooler?!?!

    1. sorry I was not clear – it had been in the 90’s and then we had a cool spell with highs around 79 F which is better

  4. I like to follow you into the garden – so many wonderful plants and flowers! It is clearly better to take pictures early in the morning or in the late afternoon – all done right! 🙂
    All the best,

  5. Carol – that honeysuckle is amazing. I have thought off and on about a trellis or an arbor for my garden, but I need to think about what could grow effectively on it in this climate … And the frangipani – so creamy. I bet the aroma is mesmerizing! You “summarized” your morning well with a stunning collage! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  6. We are having beautiful weather here this week….cooler nights and not so hot days! The flowers are loving it. Wish we had just a sprinkle of rain though. LOVE your pretty flowers!

  7. I am so enjoying your flowers as mine are settling down for winter–except for the odd spring bulb that thinks it’s time to bloom again!

    I appreciate your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!

  8. Wonderful flower pictures and beautiful blue skies! (Those wash out in the heat of a Florida day too — sadly I have a lot of pictures where the sky looks just white!) Anyway yours are wonderful and I can almost pick up the lovely scent of the frangipani! (None of those here in Oregon.)

    1. thanks Linda – you’ve been sharing lovely photos of Oregon – hope to “see” you in Florida in the next year maybe?

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