A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

I don’t know about you, but the words “a beautiful day in the neighborhood”  make me think of Mr. Rogers.  I miss that kind man on TV.  Anyway, a few days ago I went into the yard about 11 am and looked at my vinca (periwinkle).









Then I took a short walk to the end of the street.  The sky is so blue and pretty.  I came back home and grabbed my purse and keys.  I needed a short drive around my neighborhood.  Seeing the blue sky makes me happy. I also enjoy seeing how others landscape their small yards.  Our neighborhood is a 1970’s development,   small homes with small yards. Some houses need to be painted. Others need a good gardener.  Not everyone likes to garden.  But some homes have a wonderful presence with their trees and shrubs.  It doesn’t take a lot of maintenance with trees and shrubs.  I love the old palm trees.










A few homes have a huge evergreen that dwarfs the small one-story homes.







I hope you enjoyed our little excursion.  Now is the best time of the year in central Florida to me.  Mild days with lower humidity are perfect for a walk or drive.







Wishing you sunny days wherever you are.




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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

27 thoughts to “A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood”

  1. Your neighborhood certainly is a very pretty one with all it’s beautiful trees and flowers. Thank you for sharing those. I enjoyed watching Mr. Rodgers as much as my son did when he was young. He was certainly very inspiring with his kindness of spirit.

  2. Yes, it absolutely makes me think of Mr. Rogers! What’s that expression… they broke the mold after they made him? No one like him to take his place these days, which is too bad. Your neighborhood looks similar to mine.

    1. you ought to share photos of your neighborhood sometime – I’d think Califlornia architecture would look different than Florida

    2. It’s funny you say that, Peter, because last night my family watched an episode in which Mister Rogers has to go out for a bit so he leaves his “television neighbor” in the care of Neighbor Aber–and I was really struck by how Aber did things and talked about things very much the same way Mister Rogers would. Of course not *everyone* could take that role, but clearly there *exist* people other than Fred Rogers who are able to speak gently and kindly about scary feelings and coping strategies and interesting things to do. I think WQED really should have tried harder to find someone new to do a similar program, rather than make “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” which is a travesty by contrast, although it is better than some of the children’s programs out there!

  3. Thank you for taking us on a walk around your neighborhood, Carol. The vinca are beautiful. I always plant vinca in front of our porch, but it will be another 2 months before it is safe for them here in PA.

  4. Carol,

    We visited Naples Florida in March 2013. It was beautiful and sunny. The temperatures were plenty warm, even too warm during the day but then when the sun went down it cooled off quickly. It was nice to escape our east Tennessee winter weather for some Florida sunshine. 🙂

    1. Florida is wonderful in the winter and early spring but it takes real gumption to make it throught the summer and hurricane season. When the virus is under control come back for a winter visit.

  5. I love seeing other people’s gardens, especially the ones that make the most creative use of a small garden. I’m still hoping to watch the Mr Roger’s movie. He was someone I heard about, when I was growing up, but never actually saw. #mmbc

    1. I bought the video of the movie after I saw it. It touched me so much. He was an inspiring, gentle man.

  6. Thanks for this glimpse into a neighborhood so different from mine! I love Pittsburgh and having four distinct seasons, but after 14 months without traveling I am eager to see other places, too.

    Here’s a walk in my neighborhood last summer. Coincidentally, I live in Squirrel Hill, the neighborhood where Mister Rogers lived most of his adult life. I saw him one time, when I was walking and crossed in front of his car at a stop sign–of course, he had come to a full stop precisely behind the white line and cheerfully gestured to me to go ahead!

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