Getting Ready for Advent

Sunday, November 29th is the first Sunday of Advent. Many people around the world celebrate the 4 weeks before Christmas in preparation for the Lord’s birth. Celebrations can use an Advent calendar, an Advent wreath, and family prayers. If you use a wreath or buy a calendar each year, continue your tradition.  If you have never celebrated Advent, it doesn’t have to cost money to start a new family tradition. For more information on celebrating Advent see Simple Ways to Celebrate Advent: Wreaths, Calendars, & Activities .


I have a printable free Advent calendar for download celebrating the 24 days prior to Christmas. If you want to simply celebrate Advent, make a wreath or calendar and add activities that enhance the season. Print and celebrate the days with family activities like gathering donations to charity, buying gifts for a Giving Tree, baking gifts for others, or reading about the story of Jesus in scripture.



Photo Comfort Spring


2020 Advent


I recently had to empty my living room, kitchen, and dining area for the installation of a new tile floor. It has been the perfect time to purge unused items and re-organize my areas.  I have been working hard to re-arrange my furniture, pantry, etc. I haven’t had the time to do lots of crafts, baking, or much anything else with all the cleaning and organizing. Prepping the concrete for tile involved lots of dust  believe me.  I looked at the empty photo ledge in the dining area and decided to use a small thrift-store tablecloth with pretty colors for the holiday season to start my fast decorating.  I folded it in half and then pleated the back with the fold to decrease the size by half.  I laid it on the photo ledge and adjusted it to have a pretty drape centered on the front of the ledge.





I added my Flower Deer Holiday printable in a new frame in the middle of the ledge on the tablecloth and adjusted again.






I added my little pine cone trees I painted last year with red poinsettia flowers.






It’s simple decorating with soft colors for the holidays.  Since next Sunday is Advent, I decided to make a fast Advent display.  I am using my vintage Depression glass green bubble-footed glasses to hold the candles for the 4 Sundays of Advent.  I put a bubble-footed glass upside down on the dining table with a LED candle on top for each Sunday. I added holiday winter decorations and ribbons behind the glasses.  It is not as complicated as my ususal vignettes but I still have so much to do to empty the bedroom I used as storage for the furniture and furnishings during tile installation.






A little thrift store Christmas tree is in the center  with a woodland deer behind.


















I will share more about my new floor and my re-designed pantry in the next week – I hope!  Thanks for the visit.




For previous Advent vignettes, see


Advent Display 2019





Simple DIY Advent Candle Craft 2018





 Advent 2017





For more information about Advent see


Simple Ways to Celebrate Advent



Advent Acts of Kindness




Advent Family Activities





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Please see my Link Parties page listing where I shared this post. 







I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

11 thoughts to “Getting Ready for Advent”

  1. Clever ideas for decorating. Thanks for the printable. Thanks for sharing at the Fabulous Party. I have links your posts in the Fabulous Party board. Enjoy the rest of the week. Remember I am moving the party to Saturday. See you then.

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