Autumn Is A Second Spring, Free Printable

Despite the date shown on the calendar, I feel autumn begins after Labor Day. I start looking forward to the change in temperature and the cooler days. Here in Florida, it’s still really hot, but up north, leaves turn and make a colorful display. I miss that.

I love the quote


Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
—Albert Camus

This is an English adaption from  Act 2 of Camus’ 1944 play, The Misunderstanding (Le Malentendu).   The character, Jan, says

A second spring when every leaf’s a flower.

[He looks at her keenly.]

Perhaps it’s the same thing with some hearts;

perhaps they’ll blossom if you helped them

with your patience.*

I think I like the second line as much as the first. Helping hearts to bloom with your patience.

I made a free printable of the autumn quote in two sizes.  It’s a perfect addition to your autumn decor.  Adding printables in frames is a fun way to update your home decor inexpensively. What I love most is how easy it is to switch prints when a new season arrives. You can print these or try professional printing to save your ink. Try a small print  on a shelf or in a vignette. 

 The printable is an  8 x 10  print and does not have a dark edge. Below I show it framed in brown.


I’m wishing you a joyful Autumn, a second spring.

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I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

25 thoughts to “Autumn Is A Second Spring, Free Printable”

  1. This is so very beautiful, Carol. I wouldn’t mind if my Michigan summer would last a bit longer but when autumn arrives I will welcome this season of beauty and grace. Your quote and printout is lovely and when I get back to my printer, I plan to save that one! Camus knows how to say it.

    Thanks for stopping by the Marmelade Gypsy and leaving such a lovely comment. Pink Saturday is such fun, isn’t it, to connect with others.

  2. I like that quote but I’m holding on to summer just a little longer. Our Autumn goes very quickly and then it is freezing here for months. So, I will enjoy the leaves when they turn but for now I’m still enjoying the green. Cute printable!


    1. Oh, I understand but my situation is the opposite. Summer is so hot and humid and winter in Florida is cool and beautiful. I’m just looking forward to the cool time. Enjoy your end of summer.

  3. My latest post said exactly the same thing about the start of Autumn …but it’s a case of great minds thinking alike ;)), not plagiarism , honest! We do get to see the seasonal change since we spend this part of the year in Oregon,. We’re in Florida for the other season changes and don’t notice much difference . Not sure yet which part of Florida you are, but trust you are safe from the storm.

  4. Hi Carol, This is a terrific idea! I love inspirational quotes but never thought to spread them throughout the house in frames. I’d love to do a few of my favs for my office! Thanks for sharing with us at #SimplifyWednesdays Pinned, Tweeted, Shared, Stumbled

  5. Hi Carol, This is my favorite fall quote also! I knew it was attributed to Camus but I didn’t know the source so I was interested in learning about it. Thanks for sharing – I’ll have to print off at least 1! Blessings, Janet

  6. This is a wonderful quote! I’m in Illinois and today was the first cool day, compared to our crazy high temps we’ve been having, and it does truly feel like Autumn today. Thank you so much for this and for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

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