In The Garden At The End of June, Kiss N’ Tell Orange Hibiscus

Last fall I planted two beautiful hibiscus, Kiss N’ Tell,  in the front garden planters. They have wonderfully tropical orange petals with deep burgundy centers. The botanical name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It was sold by Home Depot as part of the Hisbiskiss line. The 6 to 7 inch blooms stand out nicely against the foliage of this shrub. I had hoped the small plants could be in the large container until this fall when I would transplant to the back yard against the fence.

Peach hibiscus, Kiss N' Tell

With the warmer than usual  winter and spring, they grew quickly. By the beginning of May, they were not happy in the pots. No matter how much I watered them, the foliage was turning yellow. At the end of May, I transplanted them to the backyard.

HIbiscus Kiss N' Tell


I feared the already hot summer sun would kill them. But a few days later, the tropical storm passed us and we had a week of many rain showers.


Kiss N' Tell Hibiscus Against The Back Fence

And the hibiscus smiled in its new location.


Hibiskiss - Kiss N' Tell



Thanks for visiting.










I was raised in Tennessee but have lived in Florida for many years. Love my small home in the Tampa Bay area and its developing garden. My decorating style is eclectic - some vintage, some cottage, all with a modern flair. Pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Spent many years in social services but am happily retired.

37 thoughts to “In The Garden At The End of June, Kiss N’ Tell Orange Hibiscus”

  1. Carol, your Kiss and Tell is beautiful! One of my favorite things about hibiscus is that it attracts hummingbirds. Have you seen any?

    Thank you so much for sharing this beauty at the garden party. 🙂

    1. Occasionally I see a hummingbird, but I see butterflies and bees on it often. It’s a popular plant. Thanks for the visit, have a wonderful week.

  2. I love hibiscus! We used to live in Florida (Orlando area), and we had 2 gorgeous magenta-colored ones in our yard. Of course, we had to leave them behind when we moved to Idaho. I have never seen any hibiscus here. I suppose it gets too cold.

    Patti @ Embracing Home

    P.S. Thanks so much for visiting my blog

    1. Patti, you are right, cold weather would kill tropical hibiscus. There is supposed to be a hardy hibiscus that grows as far north as zone 4. I have never grown it but there is info on the internet. Thanks for the visit.

  3. Beautiful! I’ve never seen that color combo in a hibiscus before, and I really like it!
    We have hardy hibiscus here, and I think we are in zone 5.
    I had a tropical hibiscus in a pot, and I overwintered it in the house and enjoyed it again the next summer in the pot. But then we took a November vacation, and when I got back home, it had gotten too cold, so I lost it.

    1. Thanks Ruth. Sorry about your hibiscus. When I go up north in August for 3 to 4 weeks, a friend waters my houseplants. In the yard, something usually has died from lack of rain in my absence. Tough to let them go.

  4. I love the name of your hibiscus, I had no idea that this was their name, just love the color combination!
    So glad that the transplanting didn’t disrupt it’s health. I know that I get nervous whenever I transplant.
    I have found that bone meal is a wonderful soil additive for new and transplanted plants.
    That is if your are not opposed to using it, I know we all have different methods of gardening.
    So happy that you shared with us at the garden party!

  5. Beautiful Carol! I have a hibiscus that lives in my yard year round and is in full bloom now. It’s yellow like yours with a forget hot pink center. What a beautiful flower!

  6. Carol,
    OMG! I am so embarrassed as I thought I was already following you!! This new blog and being hacked has had me crazy!! Well, i am NOW following you where ever I can and I have added your blog to my Blog Rolls on my blog!! So sorry! THANKS so much for visitng and following me even though i don’t know where i am going at times!! LOL!!

    Beautiful blooms!!!

  7. Dear Carol, In our gardens we do not see the Hibiscus in that rare colour. Thanks for linking and groetjes,

  8. Dear Carol, what a wonderful Hibiscus you have bougth. This colors are so beautiful. Thank you for showing us this plant in your garden. Greetings from Marion Germany

  9. Absolutely beautiful! Around here there are a lot of folks who are obsessed with cajun and tropical hibiscus plants. They baby them and swap them and make these gorgeous displays of them.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Photo Friday!

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